chapter 1 ( a new adventure a new beginning )

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( Kari's P.O.V ) ( life is like a battle you have to be ready for anything but for me, my life is always a battle. I have to train my hardest to be the strongest that's what my father wanted for me. today was one of my regular days I went out and was about to catch some fish for dinner. when I decided to grab some apples from my favorite apple tree once I arrived I saw that I was not alone.) " oh hello there how are you today," I said to the two monkeys a mama monkey and her baby who was riding on his mother's back I grabbed an apple and gave it to the mama monkey which she happily take she took a bite of the apple and fed the rest of it to her baby I smiled looking at the mother monkey and her baby. just then a heard a strange noise that scared the mama monkey and her baby away I went and search for the noise to my surprise I see a couple who look to be they were camping. I got closer to hear them better I tried my best to not be seen by them as I got closer I hear the woman speak to the man) " honey have you Kouji anywhere " said the woman " he said was going for a walk " said the man " I'm worried about him we should go look for him " said the woman ( I left to go the river as reach the water I see a boy with a long ponytail pulled back he looked to be around my age as I look at him closely and stare at his blue eyes. I don't know why but when I stare into his eyes I feel a strange feeling I have never felt before I decide to go up and talk to the boy.) " hey there I " said ( to the boy as I was standing right behind him he jumped up in surprise ) kouji's P.O.V ( I continue walking down the path near the river when I hear someone behind me saying hey there I jumped in surprise I got scared I turned around and see a girl standing right in front of me. " where did she come from how did she come this close to me with making a sound " I said to myself I decide to speck to the girl ) " um hi who are you and where come I asked " said kouji no one's P.O.V " sorry didn't mean to scare just wanted to know why your here " ask Kari " I'm here with my parents we're on a camping trip since I'm on break from school " said kouji. " what's school " said Kari ( to herself ) " so uh what's your name " asked kouji " shouldn't you tell me your name it's rude to ask someone for their name before saying your name first " said Kari. " oh uh yeah  your right sorry about that my name is kouji Furukawa and you are " ask kouji ( waiting for your responses ) " I'm Kari Kingstone " said Kari " so Kari are here camping with your family as well " ask kouji " no I live here my house isn't that far from here " said Kari ( Kari looked at kouji with a shock look on his face. ) " your kidding right " ask kouji " no I'm telling the truth I live close by here...where do you live " ask Kari " I live in the city with my parents " said kouji ( before Kari could say anything else she and kouji both hear a woman calling out kouji's name not to far from them ) " kouji where are you " said the woman " that's my mom I gotta go it was nice meeting you kar " said kouji ( as he turn around to see you won't there anymore you have disappeared ) " huh where did she how did she " said kouji ( he was confused he didn't even hear you leave you didn't even hear you say goodbye ) Kari's P.O.V " as I hear Kouji's mom calling for him I decide to leave and go back to catching my dinner I left before realizing I didn't say goodbye to Kouji, oh well it's not like I'm gonna see him again anyways. the next day Kari woke up and got ready for the day Kari was going to her training ground when she sense a familiar energy as she felt the familiar energy her rage and anger grow as she felt the energy coming those her. ) " what are doing here... Ueno," said Kari " oh nothing just wanted to see how my beautiful bride is doing,and call me manzo" said Manzo ( with a smirk on his face without seeing his face Kari can still know the face he is making she knows he's smirking that look on his face makes Kari's blood boil she wanted to attack him right there and then but she knew if she attacks him she just giving him what he wanted so Kari doesn't bother turning around. ) " I'll ask you again what you do want " ask Kari ( as she turned around and looks at his face ) " I'm here to ask about Kimiko where is she," Manzo asked ( without breaking eye contact with him. Kari didn't want to say anything she didn't want to tell him anything about Kimiko. ) " and why should I tell you anything about her," said Kari " I wish to know where she is I think have the right to know where my daughter is, " said Manzo " tch just because your her father doesn't mean you own her and you don't own me either myself and my daughter are not yours to own we are not your property," said Kari ( as you looks at Manzo with rage in her eyes.)... To continue (author p.o.v hey all you Readers out there this is my first story I'm writing in here I hope you like it I'm gonna continue writing more let me know what you guys think and if like it. Please no haters.)

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