Chapter 72

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Chapter 72 True Love and Mary Suvin 16

    At noon the next day, Prime Minister Jun and his son were pushed out of Caishikou and beheaded.

    The queen once again fainted from crying in Fengyi Palace. Concubines and concubines, especially Concubine Li, who were born with princes, were eager to move in their hearts.

    Everything happened too fast, and before the members of the Jun family could react, Prime Minister Jun and his son were already dead. When the group of dragons had no leader and the prince was not in Beijing, they were in chaos and shied away from each other. The Ministry of Justice quickly verified their respective charges.

    As for the vacated official vacancies, Gu Jinyan also arranged for the people he had inspected early in the morning to fill up, and Concubine Li Gui and King Kang's wishful thinking did not start.

    It has been two months since the prince received the news and rushed back to Beijing. The other children of the Jun family and partisans sentenced to death sentenced to death, exiled to exile, everything has been settled.


    Gu Jinyan returned to the Showa Hall after retreating from the DPRK.

    "My son, please greet the father and emperor!"

    The prince of this meeting is full of dust, his eyes are blue, and his eyes are full of red blood. Gu Jinyan saw the anxiety and hesitation on his face at a glance, and his brows wrinkled unconsciously.

    The prince has always been paying attention to his father's expression. Seeing his father's frown, his heart is even more anxious.

    When he received the news that his grandfather and two uncles had been beheaded, the prince was so frightened that his face was pale and bloodless, and he could not recover for a long time.

    Although the matter is a foregone conclusion, even if he returns to Beijing, he will not be able to recover half of the points, but he still wants to rush back to Beijing. However, the dark guard given by the father emperor stopped him, saying that the emperor ordered that he must supervise the planting of grain before allowing him to return to Beijing.

    At that time, there was still something he didn't understand. The emperor deliberately transferred him to leave the capital so that he could get rid of the Jun family. The dark guard said that it was better to prevent him from returning to Beijing than to protect him.

    He should have thought that General Yan was the father-in-law of King Kang, and he should never be the one to transport the grain. During that time, the emperor's attention to him was paralyzing him and the Jun family. yes! The father and emperor always valued Kang Wang, when would it be his turn as a prince.

    The prince beat his head in annoyance, the father was always dissatisfied with him, how could he jump into the game set by the father without any precaution. Apart from the Jun family, is he the next one? Is the royal father trying to remove all obstacles for King Kang to ascend to the throne?

    No matter how anxious he was, his grandfather and two uncles had already been beheaded, and there was his father's secret guard, and he had nothing to do. After finally getting the crops, he rushed to the capital non-stop, and it only took half the time to go.

    "Come in with me." Seeing the prince's appearance, let him go back to rest and come back again.

    Entering the hall, Gu Jinyan asked the prince to sit, but the prince did not sit, and stood upright in the middle.

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