ONE. meteor showers skies

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I'LL GIVE you a second to put in your drawings about Danielle and Zed status

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I'LL GIVE you a second to put in your drawings about Danielle and Zed status.

We're they a thing? We're they friends? Sworn enemies?

Well... that question would have to linger longer because tonight was the big football game.

This game meant everything to Zed.

Senior year meant college for most and Zed wanted to go to Mountain College. Danielle had already gotten in before people found out about her being a ghost and to rip college (with scholarship) seemed to be a little more cruel than monsters combined.

Zed getting into Mountain College could change monsters lives and that's what they were banking on with tonight's game.

Expect they had bigger fish to fry.

It had been late into the night when the entire town rallied around to support the football players for tonight's game.

The only person Zed couldn't spot was Danielle.

Vanessa had been with the cheer team and no sign of the Fenton's either.

So, wanna change your answer about the status of Zed and Danielle?


Danielle and Zed were solid. They hadn't been dating long, but it was long enough for her to show up at one of the biggest games of their undead lives.

She wore a green cardigan as she approached Zed. A smile lingering on his face as his girlfriend approached him.

The difference between Addison and Danielle were major, but to nitpick, Danielle didn't like the PDA factor as much as others. She'd hold Zed's hand every now and then, even a sidebar hug. But to kiss him? In public? Please you're asking her to just become a full ghost.

Regardless, Zed and Danielle were together. No more pink gas, no more getting stuck in the ground, and no more hiding feelings. It was great.

"You made it!" Zed smiled, lifting her from the ground and spinning her around.

Danielle held a small smile and once she was back on her feet she smiled up at him, "Sorry I'm late. I tried ghosting her and ended up in the woods."

Though Danielle had found her other half, her ghosting was still a little wonky. Nothing to bad or major, but she needed to ghost more in order to control it better than before.

"Hey you're here now." He smiled, "And there's the guy that's getting me into college."

Danielle turned, seeing the man and the lady approaching them slowly, seemingly scared and walking ever so slowly towards the group.

"Okay, remember what I said."

Zed nodded, "Be myself and if all else fail mention how they accepted you."

Danielle smiled, "You got this."

But whether or not he hand it under his belt no longer mattered as a sudden, yet, almost not shocking UFO appeared from the sky.

Screams could be heard from all around as the aliens soon beamed down from the sky.

What in the world could aliens possibly need from Seabrook and why now? This is Seabrook we're talking about... nothing should shock these people anymore.

 nothing should shock these people anymore

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- lucy has something to say !!

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- lucy has something to say !!

i like how we don't seen any scene with wyatt and eliza and it's implied that he has a crush on her in the first 20 minutes of the movie 😭

also i do NOT hate meg donnelly i actually like her just because addison isn't my cup of joe doesn't mean i hate meg wtf 😭

now important matters... did y'all know milo was a nepotism baby 😭 LIKE AJKSKSK

i think it's so funny that rupaul is in this movie

i think it's so funny that rupaul is in this movie

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bye :))))

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