💿: Flooded

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It was a Normal Day at a Small house

With Zuzy and Zee watching There Big sister and her friends getting ready to go out

With Zuzy and Zee watching There Big sister and her friends getting ready to go out

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"Zizzy where are you going?" Zuzy asked

"Don't Worry Zuzy! We are just going on a small trip I promise we will be back but for now Mimi Will watch you and Zee ok?" Zizzy said with her hand on her sisters heads

".. Please don't break your promise like what Mommy did.." Zuzy said wishing she could see her mom again

"Don't Worry Zuzy.. I will not" Zizzy said patting her sisters heads before her and Kitty left

"Ok Kids I'm going to make Some food who wants to help?" Mimi asked

Zee raised her hand basically saying she would want to help

"Great what about you Zuzy?" Mimi asked

"No thank you Mimi I'ma go in my room and watch TV" Zuzy said

"Ok Zuzy but be down stairs for Dinner at 12 and NO scary movies we already live in a scary world as it is" Mimi said

"Yes Mimi" Zuzy said before She went to her room leaving Zee and Mimi to make some food

When Zizzy got to her room she looked at the Old TV

"I wish we could use the TV downstairs but we don't get satellite stuff anymore after our houses satellite thing broke" Zuzy said to herself

"Ok let's see what we have today" Zuzy said looking at the DVDs

"Hmmm Indiana Tiger? Nah that is so old, Hmmm Swrek? Nah that guy's was too mean, Ne"mo? No.. reminds me of Mommy.." Zuzy said as she looked throw the DVDs

"Oooo what is this?" Zuzy asked pulling out a DVD she hasn't seen around

"Oooo what is this?" Zuzy asked pulling out a DVD she hasn't seen around

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"This is new! Let's play!" Zuzy said in joy

Zuzy can't read that well so she just grabbed one title: 💿: Flooded

Zuzy put it in and got ready to watch something new

It took a bit for it to play which was odd the TV was usually pretty quick

But it played the video feed

"Oooo She looks pretty :) but why is she is the smelly Sewers?" Zuzy asked

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"Oooo She looks pretty :) but why is she is the smelly Sewers?" Zuzy asked

The Alligator girl then walked around the sewers seemingly looking for something

After a bit of silence the Alligator finally said something

"Where are you?" The Alligator said

She did some more walking and saw two ways she could go

She did some more walking and saw two ways she could go

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"Hmmm... He could be down any one of these tunnels but which could it be?" The Alligator asked

Which way should Alex go down?



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