Chapter 1: The Beginning

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After 5 years later since Will Shane was gone and Aurora knight the slugterra light has return. but the will son Eli Shane along with Burpy traveling through the tunnel and use the drop that lead to Slugterra. 

" Eli: so this is Slugterra huh Burpy" he look at his inferno slug who chirp happy at him.

" Will letter: when you reach slugterra there you find a hideout and meet someone that is a old trusted friend of mine her name is Aurora Knight she will help you on your journey an be the protector of slugterra and stop Mr. Blakk from creating ghoul soul.

Soon about several hour they arrive at the building with a giant mushroom growing on the roof top of the hideout. So they spotted a female around Eli age on their left side of the wooden door working on her blaster and other stuff while her slugs are playing around. Then Eli and Burpy look at each other slowly shrugged there shoulder, walk over toward the female who is still working on her dragon blaster, so Eli clear his throat.

" Eli: so um hi I'm Eli Shane.. an i was send here by my dad letter that he left for me''

Aurora was to busy for Abit then Eli continue what he about to say.

" Eli: um I'm looking for Aurora Knight she is a friend of my father Will Shane"

Soon Aurora stop what she is doing stand up turn around coming face to face with Eli, she has long brown hair wearing her casual outfit  with white pants and black high knees boots along with blue trims on it, around her waist is her slug Shells and around her neck is her silver chain necklace with a Shane gang star symbol on it.

"Aurora: That me I'm Aurora Knight, so I'm guess your will son Eli.. its nice to meet you"

Burpy chirp happily to see Aurora started to hop toward her, Aurora smile gently kneel down let Burpy jump into her palm of her hand.

"Aurora: Hahahah its nice to see you again Burpy... Sapphy will be happy to see you too'   

 Then her Sapphire inferno slug jump on Aurora shoulder chirp happily to see Burpy once again that make Eli shock to see another inferno slug.

" Aurora : Os this is Sapphy my Sapphire Inferno Slug"

Sapphy chirp and give them a tiny way then Aurora walk over an pick up a spare clothes then head it to Eli with a smile.

" Aurora: You might want to change into these close and meet me at the garage  after your done"

She started towalk towards the garage with her slugs while Eli started to change  out of his surface clothes and into new slugterran clothes and finds the equipment he needs for his adventures. Next, he finds  Aurora leaning against her Mecha beast.

"Aurora: Looking good Eli... come with me there something your father want you to have"

They started to walk toward His  mecha-beast one of them, being his, an LK-E model, Wolf Mecha, which he promptly names "Lucky" and a dingy Donkey Mecha.

Suddenly, Eli, Aurora , Sapphy and Burpy hear rustling in a closet so they got there blaster ready. Then they open it to reveal pronto. A molenid traker. 

"Pronto: Don't shoot, Don't shoot!'

"Eli: Who are you"

"Pronto: Who am i the Question is are you two"

"Aurora: We ask you first and we are the one holding a blaster

Sapphy and Burpy growl at Pronto.

"Pronti: I see you both are clever as i young man and young lady? Pronto at your service tracker, explore Molenid of Many talents''

"Eli: Funny dad never mention you'

" Aurora: So have i?"

Pronto: Dad? your Father is will shane... Of coures i have a perfectly good explanation for this you see''

They gave him a blank look hold up their blaster with two angry Slug light themself on fire.

"Pronto{ Sigh}: Alright! I never Actually Met will shane  but if i had ! oh there would be no doubt  he would have begged me to be on his team.. I should you but good is a shame without a tracker to lead him on his adventures.

" Eli: yeah will dad didnt mentionanything about  needing a tracker either but also meeting with the princess of slugterra."

Aurora sigh gently might as well tell the, she started to clear her throat to get there attention.

"Aurora: Actually Eli? Im the princess of Slugterra "

Eli and Pronto where shock that Aurora is the slugterrs princess.

"Pronto: You highness"

Pronto kneel down towards her but she shake her head gently then look at Eli with a smile and then heading out and discovers that they need to build an arsenal of Slugs.

After Eli shoots Burpy out of his new blaster, the first slug he's ever fired, they set off for a tournament where Pronto hopes Eli can gain some "experienced slugs". Along the way, they come across a bystander being bullied. Eli intervenes but gets beat down by the brute, despite telling the bandit that he is a Shane. He is saved by a mysterious girl who happens to be passing through the area, though she rides off on her mecha before Eli can get her name.

Eli,Aurora , Pronto, Sapphy and Burpy proceed to the where the tournament is being held. After observing the competition, Eli signs up Along with Aurora  and, once again, gets laughed at, with no one believing that he's a Shane. Once he tells Pronto that he's never been in a duel before, Pronto hurries off to find a sparring partner for Eli to practice with. While he's gone, Eli bumps into the girl from before who defeated the bandit. She introduces herself as Trixie , holding the conversation while she's recording the competition on film to try and find out the weaknesses of the other competitors. Pronto returns with Cavern troll a named Kord . After displaying his admiration for the troll.

After displaying his admiration for the troll, they practice slinging Slugs. Kord teaches Eli the basics of dodging and tactics, and also allows Eli to add some of the flopper  they were using as practice Slugs to his arsnal.

After their practice match, the qualifier rounds were announced and Eli is pared up with a Slinger named Shockwave who only uses Tazerling . Trixie hints that if the Tazerling is overworked, it can potentially misfire. Despite Eli only having Floppers and Burpy, he manages to pull off a victory by dodging his opponents shots until one of the Tazerlings misfires, giving him an opening to use Burpy to cinch a win Kord, Trixie, Aurora and Pronto ran up to Eli for his win. As a prize, Eli is allowed take one of Shockwire's Slugs. He asks if any of the Tazerlings want to come with him and one of them hopes out of its container and into Eli's hand. Eli claims this Tazerling as his prize and gives it the name joules and also Aurora Kiss Eli cheek.

"Aurora: You did it Eli"

"Eli{Blushing}: Hehe Thanks guys"

At Blakk Industries,Maurice , a loyal Henchmen of Dr. Blakk's, tells him of a kid who calls himself a Shane and the Princess of Slugterra has return. Blakk assures him that there are many "ways" to deal with the Shane and the princess. The camera zooms out to show canisters containing hundreds of ferocious Ghouls.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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