Days, Weeks, Months

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Days had turned into weeks and weeks had turned into months and things were still quiet on the Maeve front and fear had started to set into Elise's bones, she had truly started to fear that something bad had happened to her daughter.

Tommy hadn't heard anything from the employees from Protective Services that he had paid off but he went down to London first thing that morning to get some answers while she remained at Arrow House with Charlie.

Tommy had kept her in the loop in regards to everything and kept every plan and hope realistic but she wasn't going to lose hope even when things were looking dire. No matter what or how long it took she was going to have her daughter back.

After a long day, Tommy had finally returned back to Arrow House and he had some interesting news to share. He had gathered the whole family into his office and began to spill what he had learnt from his trip.

"Maeve's father hasn't collected from the orphanage she was placed in when she was taken. He hasn't even visited her."

Elise's brows furrowed in confusion, "What? Why wouldn't he pick her up after all that effort to track her down and take her?"

The room goes silent as no one has an answer.

"It just makes no sense... "Polly speaks up "He pushed for full custody yet he hasn't even seen her. We're missing something."

"Or he's hiding something"

Everyone turns towards Arthur in surprise at his words.

"I mean-" Arthur let out an awkward cough and shifted in his seat at the attention. "Maybe he's going to use her as a distraction or a selling point."

"Selling point?" Elise asks, lost on what Arthur was saying, "In what way?"

Tommy answered instead, "Say he's running for an elected role, for example, he can push a particular image, a more publicly relatable image to gain support"

"What, like to show a false side of him? Publicly he's a family man but really he's a terrible bastard? "Ada asked.

"Been done before." John pipes up. "All he has to do is create a sob story about the mother dying and he's been raising his child by himself and he's already got half the country's vote."

"Do you think that's what he's doing?" Polly asks.

Tommy shrugs.

"What about that Sarah woman who took Maeve? She must be working with Maeve's father right?" Ada questions.

Tommy nods at Ada's point with a tired sigh, "You're probably right, I'll look into it."

"Okay so say all of that is true, what happens now?" Elise asks, desperate for an answer.

"I'll see if I can get her moved to one of our orphanages but it may take a while. "Tommy tells her, almost as exhausted by the whole thing as Elise was.

Elise hesitated before she asked her next question. Tommy had already done so much for her but she was desperate.

"And... will I be able to see her soon?"

Tommy's shoulders slump at the question and Polly quickly ushers everyone out of the office so they could have a bit of privacy.

"It's too risky to do it now, if Maeve lets it slip to the wrong person or if any of the orphanage staff see or hear anything then her father might move her out of our reach."

Elise makes her way over to Tommy who was sat behind his desk, "I get that, I do and I appreciate everything you've done and risked for me so far but I need to see my daughter, it's been two months.''

Tommy was methodical about things like this, he liked to plan and plan again and create a few more backup plans but this whole situation reminded him of when Charlie was snatched and his absolute desperation to get his son back.

Tommy leaves his seat and stands opposite Elise in front of his desk.

"I can't promise you anything but if I can get her moved then I'll set something up"

"Oh, Tommy, thank you!" Elise threw herself at Tommy in a hug, wrapping her arms around him.

Tommy wrapped one of his arms around her and gave her a comforting squeeze that was so brief that Elise didn't register it before she pulled away.

"No promises though" Tommy reiterated.

"Of course, of course," Elise gave Tommy the brightest smile she's had in two months and the sight of it made Tommy want to not let her down.

" more thing"


"Please don't run yourself into the ground because of this. I can tell you're exhausted and I know you want to get Maeve back to me but it hurts to see you like this, honestly."

"I'll take your words into consideration"

Elise smiled at him as she walked back towards the door, "You should go a little wild from time to time. Maybe go really crazy and sleep in till six am"

Tommy's face was straight but the mirth was heard in his voice, "Get out of here"

Y'all omg, I can't believe I managed to get this out. I worked a 7 hour shift today and I had to run around and do some errands but I somehow managed to write this.

Enjoy the update :)

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