Zenitsu X Reader

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so here's a little update for you all I just want to say thank you all so much for being so patient I have been going through a lot right now but I am still going to write something for you all my mother and father are going through some things and I might be stuck living with my father so I don't know how often I will post new stories if it takes me a while please don't be upset with me I am trying my best I will try to make this as long as I can for you all I might type until my hands bleed but stay with me on this please anyways enough about all that on to the story! 😁

You and Zenitsu have been close friends since you were kids he was always so scared of everything so you had to protect him you thought it was cute how he would always run to you screaming "Y/N-chan!!" you always had a small crush on him maybe not that small of a crush more of a big crush on him so you would protect him from everything and everyone.

Time skip few years later your now both demon slayers! 🤭

Zenitsu has always been following you around he would always beg for girls to marry him so he doesn't 'die alone' you were always jealous when you where trying to pull Zenitsu away from a girl a male with short redish colored hair wearing a box on his back? came over and finally got Zenitsu off the poor girl and he was crying and yelling at him for 'getting in the way' you were so done with allof this since you were tired you haven't slept well in about 3 whole days

Can you guess who this 'strange male' is? 😏

You grab Zenitsu's hoari and pull him up to his feet very angry with him until...you hear the other boy talk "hello I'm sorry for not introducing myself my name is Tanjiro Kamado" the boy now known as Tanjiro smiles You seem calm all of a sudden you speak up "well...my name is Y/N L/N and this is my best friend Zenitsu" you smile back at Tanjiro as Zenitsu waves clearly very jealous you then ask where Tanjiro is going and Tanjiro tells you about where his next mission is and you are happy to hear that he is going the same place you and Zenitsu are going so you offer to go together and Tanjiro agrees you three then start walking together you and Tanjiro are talking as Zenitsu gives off this dark jealous area Zenitsu then says "Y/n-chan there seems to be a house just over there do you think they will let us stay for the night because I'm really tired from all this walking..." Zenitsu complains as you just laugh softly before nodding "I'm sure they will allow us three to stay for at least tonight sso we can rest up and be well rested for tomorrow morning!" you hope that the people that own the house is friendly enough to let you stay the night since you have a long way to go still to get to where your supposed to go. you three get to the house and you knock on the door waiting for a few moments as a older lady answers the door Zenitsu screams saying she's a monster as you yell at him to stop it the lady lets you in feeds you and makes your beds so you can finally sleep.

okay well my hands already hurt and this was rushed and I have to end it here sadly but if I can I will finish this in about two to three days if not I am very sorry...thanks for all the reads and everything I love you all and I hope you have a great day or night!💕😃😁

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