Waking up

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Raven could feel her mind racing as soon as she woke up in a strange, rustic-looking hut. Where was she? She instantly could feel herself searching for some sort of memory. Scrambling to find something to give her a sense of familiarity. But she was coming up blank. She could hear the pounding of her heartbeat in her ears. No matter how hard she tried she could only remember two things, her name and someone else, someone important. Her sister! She had an older sister. Everything else was gone.  She couldn't remember what she had been doing before she woke up or where she had come from. She didn't know if she had any other family members or if they even knew that her sister and her were missing. It was as if there was a fog that had come over her mind, one that erased every other memory of who she was.

She carefully slid off of an old, worn cot she had been laying on and warily took a better look around the hut. She didn't recognize anything. She quickly realized to her dismay that she was alone. The hut was empty. Her sister was nowhere in sight. There were two other cots in the room on the left side of the one she had been laying on and tiny beams of light streamed into the room from cracks in the wall. She peered at her surroundings more carefully. The hut seemed to be handmade. Nailed together with roughly shaped wooden boards.

Raven took a step closer to examine the building when she accidentally bumped into a roughly made table in front of her. She looked down and was horrified to see what looked to be a wide variety of surgical instruments placed on a long tray. She could feel herself practically choking on the panic that was rising in her throat. She backed away from the table quickly. Just then a curtain was thrown back from the doorway and several people entered the room.

"See! I told you she was waking up! She's probably going to have so many questions. The little Greenie looks scared to death. Poor thing."

Raven's eyes darted over to the boy who spoke first. He was tall with untamed honey-colored hair, which he was running his long fingers through anxiously. He had sun-kissed skin and dark brown eyes. What made him stand out the most however was his voice. He had a very smooth English accent. He kept his distance, standing nearest to the entrance of the shack. He was looking at her sympathetically, although his body language told her that he was being cautious. As if he was unsure about what was going to happen.

"Yeah well tough, she's going to have to get over it. We've all been through it before. This is nothing new. She's a part of us Gladers now."

The second boy who spoke was a bit shorter than the first one and looked more menacing. He had short, almost buzzed, blond hair and piercing blue eyes. He seemed very intimidating and had a very harsh voice that only made her feel more alarmed by everything that was going on. He had his arms crossed and was staring at her suspiciously.

She was frightened. Nothing made sense and everything they were saying was confusing her. Raven stepped away from them slowly until she felt something cold and hard against her shoulders. The sensation she felt sent a shiver down her spine. She realized that she now found herself with her back pressed up against the wall. Not an ideal location to be found in when she had just moments before woken up in a strange room. A strange room that was now filled with strange people.

"Gally try and show a little sympathy. Don't you remember what it was like waking up for the first time in the Glade? Don't you remember how terrifying it was being the newest Greenie? Cut her some slack will you!"

The third boy seemed to be the least threatening out of all of them. His voice was soft and calming. His presence was slightly reassuring and he seemed to be relaxed. He didn't seem to pity her like the first boy or to be judging her like the second one. If anything, when she looked at the boy with brown hair, golden brown eyes, fair skin, and a gentle face splattered with freckles, she only found understanding.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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