5. Hello, Welcome River.

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I go to sit next to River and tell her the same thing everyone else has hold me. It doesn't looks like she is cheering up so I decide to get Chloe. I'm not sure where she is so I- never mind I'm not going to Namjoon's room right now. But lucky me I see her sitting in Namjoon's lap in the living room.

I walk up to them and when Chloe sees the Jimins shirt that I'm wearing she laughs and shakes her head in disbelief

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I walk up to them and when Chloe sees the Jimins shirt that I'm wearing she laughs and shakes her head in disbelief. "Hey, namjoon can I borrow Chloe for a sec?" I ask and Namjoon nods his head. Chloe gets up and walks with me to the girls room. On the way to the room I tell her that I would like to go shopping with her and River, just like we did.
Chloe thinks it's a great idea but it's getting late so we have to go fast. I go to Jimins room and knock on the door. "Come in." I hear so I open the door carefully, with my cutest smile and in my sexy voice I say.

Y/N: Jimin! Could I please go to the mall with Chloe and River?

Jimin: Who is River?

Y/N: Tae's new girl.

Jimin:Umh i dont know....

Y/N: Please, you know I could maybe even...buy a new outfit for myself.
*I say as I'm trying to was sexy towards him*

Jimin: Yeah?

Y/N: Mhm, can I please go?

Jimin: Sure, go change into a normal outfit and say bye to me before your going.

Y/N: YES!! Thank you Jimin!

I gave him a quick kiss and go back to Chloe.

Y/N: Yes I can, did you ask Namjoon and Tae?

Chloe: Yes we can go! Let's go change!!


We walk back to River and tell her that we are going shopping, it looks like she already cheers up a little bit so that great. We all change into a different outfit and we look fabulous obviously.
But while changing I saw a big bruise on my ass in the mirror and beautiful big hickeys on my inner thigh and pussy, I wonder who did that...
When I putted Jimins shirt on my bed to give it back to him later, I decide to put in in my closet. And maybe keep it for myself for now.



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I'm Jimin's hook up || 𝚈/𝙽 & 𝙹𝙸𝙼𝙸𝙽 𝙵𝙰𝙽𝙵𝙸𝙲Where stories live. Discover now