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New post: I think I like someone I haven't met in person & I'm unsure how to feel about it...


New reply!

: Seems you feel you might have a crush.

obviously. but we've never met in person. that's why I'm unsure of my feelings

: Ah, yes. That seems to be quite a problem. I can relate, though.

how so, pink paw?

: Because I, too, like someone I haven't physically met. Which is weird.. I realise how sad that is. I'll probably go up to them tomorrow.

yeah! be like hi, this is me. & I really like you!

: Haha, sounds ideal. Thanks, OP.

no problem, pink paw!


oops, hahahah. when I said the story would be over soon, I didn't mean in like 2 more chapters. I meant more like 9 more? idk idk

hope you liked it!

- ky

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