"You Make Me Brush" [Toilenator X Knightbrace]

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It was the late afternoon, the sun was beginning to dip below the horizon which would soon show the sparkling stars. Oh, how he loved how the stars danced in the sky... The glimmer of stars reminded him of a newly clean toilet scrubbed with Mr. Clean toilet cleaner. Ah, toilets.. His 'special interest'. Lou had always had a spiritual connection with the bathroom appliance. It had been for so long he honestly couldn't remember when it had started. When his third eye had opened him to the mystical power of the bathroom.. He sighed, placing his hands on his chest in thought. He supposed that's why he felt a bond with him. After all, both of their special interests were from the same source: the bathroom, the most magical alluring place in the house. It was the best place to think after all! Most good ideas in the world had come from somebody sitting on the toilet. It was a quiet place, a relaxing place. Even just slightly turning on the faucet could allow someone to close their eyes and almost drift to sleep to the sounds of drip..



As hypnotic as that was, the Toilenator reminded himself why he was standing in front of the mirror in the first place: he was getting himself dressed suited up in his best uniform, preparing himself for a romantic date. He picked up two rolls of toilet paper looking them both over.

"Now.. 12-ply is formal..

But, 6-ply is a little more.. suggestive."

He almost juggled between the two rolls trying to decide which one he was going to wear as his mask.

It was a difficult decision. This was after all his first date, and he didn't want to mess it up.

Sighing to himself, he juggled them around closing his eyes and picked one.


Six ply.

He swallowed a bit nervously but he decided to go with it. A few minutes later he was all suited up in his best rolls! He looked himself over in the mirror feeling pretty confident about himself.

He let out a relieved sigh and headed for the golden toilet seat, his preferred method of transportation.

Stepping inside the bowl he flushed the toilet, traveling down the pipes and to his destination, the most romantic place to have dinner together with any kind of loved one: The Leaky Pipe.

It was a bit of a high-end restaurant but nothing he couldn't cover and when he meant he.. He meant his parents. He would pay them back...Eventually.

He stepped inside the restaurant walking to his reserve table and there he was.. Knightbrace. Toilenator could feel his heart begin to beat a little faster than normal. He swallowed his nervousness and walked over to the table.


He greeted with an attractive crack of his voice. Knightbrace glanced his way and Toilenator could see the excitement in his wide predatory eyes.

The Toilenator was already sweating. He couldn't believe he had thought of Knightbrace's eyes as predatory but he couldn't help it. The thoughts he had late at night ran to the forefront of his mind like a rush of water down the sewer and-

He shook his head.

"Hey, you're earlier than I thought." Knightbrace commented.

And there it was, that enchanting voice, the sound of metal on the sides of his lips just giving him a slight attractive lisp. Oh that was all the Toilenator needed to feel comfortable. He sat down giving a smile.

He was a little nervous earlier, but now, he was fully looking forward to this date.

"I couldn't be late to my first dental appointment, Doctor." The Toilenator gave a flirtatious tone.

Knightbrace's expression changed to a flustered one. He then gave a similar one:

"Glad you're already bracing yourself for the night ahead." He leaned forward locking eyes with Toilenator.

"Ohoho! Stop!" Toilenator giggled putting a hand to his mouth bashfully.

"You're making me flush!"

Knightbrace smirked.

"Oh really? I was hoping to make you brush~"

This was perfect. They clicked so instantly their flirting was so similar yet unique! Toilenator put his hand on Knightbrace's own. They each let out a relaxed sigh simply enjoying each other's company.

Knightbrace loved how the Toilenator took great care of his teeth. With a little help from him of course. But he knew Lou was very committed once he made a promise.

And he loved that about his plush boyfriend. Sure this was the first proper date they had been on but they had been seeing each other for a while mainly at villain meetups. But this was really the first time they could truly be in each other's company and not be bothered by those Kids Next Door.

Knightbrace noticed that he was wearing six-ply toilet paper, and the dentist was glad he brought an extra toothbrush.

Oh yes, this night was going to be a night...

Worth brushing for~


You Make Me Brush [Toilenator X Knightbrace]Where stories live. Discover now