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Waking up to a knock on your door you get up and open your eyes. "Mmm?" you say no you respons. You shrug it off and turn around on your side to go back to sleep. Then you feel kisses on your cheek. "Stop...." you say pulling the covers over your head.

"Aw come on its time to get out of bed honey" billy says. You open your eyes and sit up "what the fuck are you doing in my house!?" you snap at him. "No ones home so why not..?" he says going in for another kiss.

"Billy stop" you say dodging it and getting out of bed. "You look hot in this" he says lifting your chin to his face. you stay silent and turn to your closet and grabbing your clothing. "Go outside ill be there in a minute" you say shooing him away.

After getting ready you go out to the door to billys camero. "So you decided to skip your class because i have an off period?" you say leaning on the hood next to billy. "Why not?" he says smoking.

"I have an off-period dummy i wasent skipping," you say crossing your arms. "Well i guess thats my fault then" billy says throwing his cigarette on the ground and getting in the car. "Get in" he says starting the car.

"Why should i?" you say feeling the engine stating to warm up beneath you. "Ill run you over and youll be dead." he says not even hesitating. You stay silent then the car backs up and you stumble over.

You roll your eyes and pick up the books you dropped from your bag and get in the camero. "So you didnt run me over? " you say. "I couldnt run over the prettiest girl in hawkins could i?" he says.

Knowing billy he probably just using you but you still think back to lunch the other day. He couldnt of said that for fun right? You and billy pull up to the school and get out the bell rings and students come out for 1st lunch.

"I have 1st lunch i have to go" you say walking hastily towards the cafeteria. Surprisingly billy didnt even stop you. On your way there you bump into steve "hey there!" he says. "Hey steve hows things with nancy?" you say.

"She didnt tell you..?" he questions you. "No...?" you say confused you and him walking to a table. "We broke up she said are relationship wall bullshit" he says rolling his eyes. "Im sorry i need to get out to billy before he gets mad" you say getting up.

"Your not getting food?" he says "im not hungry you say walking out and waving bye to him. You open the door from the cafeteria and see billy and the two girls from yesterday. You fill with rage while walking toward them.

"BILLY WHAT THE FUCK I LEFT YOU LESS THAN 5 MINUTES!" you yell at him while walking up to him. "WELL Y/N AS YOU SAID ITS FAKE!! SO IM NOT YOURS AM I!?" he yells back. The two girls giggle at you while you stand in front of them. 

Billys eyes feel like they are looking right into your sad soul. you then roll your eyes and storm off to the forest. You sit at this lunch table someone placed there.

You never knew how but it was nice and isolated. You grab a cigarette out of your tote bag you stole from billy. You have never smoked in your life so this is a first. Lighting it you inhale and cough. You shiver in disgust and put it out on the dirt.

You sigh and you put your head down on the table and think. I didn't even leave billy that long and he already is moved on... I knew he was fake. Your thoughts get broken as you hear a voice call your name.

"Y/N??!" it says you sit up and look around coming into sight you see billy. "Billy what the fuck now your stalking me?" you say. He walks over to you and sits on the opposite side of you. "Listen im sorry y/n" he says.

His blue eyes looking into your e/c eyes. The moment of silence was there until you spoke "billy if you really liked me you would of pushed those girls away" you says breaking eye contact. "I did"

"And i came to you" he says. "Yea? Well i would have a better relationship with steve than you" you say rolling your eyes and getting up. "y/n please give me a chance" he says grabbing your wrist.

"Billy if i do you have to make a commitment.." you say as he lets go of you so you can turn around. "Like what." you take a deep breath "no fucking other girls, staying true to your relationship, and all that other stuff" you say.

"But your already my girlfriend arent you?" he says you look at him in disgust "just because i owed you something dosent mean im doing that forever!" you snap at him walking away. "Y/N!" he yells to you.


"FINE DONT EXPECT ME TO DRIVE YOU HOME THEN" he yells back. Walking into the school you go to your class and sit down. After a while the bell rings and students flow in. steve was in your homeroom class with you so at least your not alone.

"Hey y/n what's up?" steve says sitting next to you. You respond "nothing much just drama with billy" you say with a sigh. "Well good luck with" that he says. Just then a girl walks in and sits next to steve.

*Edited 10-5-22*

Just Another •Billy Hargrove x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now