Chapter 2: To Audition, or Not To Audition

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The Sturniolos' POV 

After the Sturniolos filmed their Friday Car Video, Matt drove them home.

"What the hell just happened? Is this real life? Are we being pranked?" Nick asked as they unlocked the front door. They got inside and Nick went straight to the windows to close the curtains. "What if they followed us home? Matt, lock the door," Nick said with wild eyes.

"I thought they seemed nice," Chris said through giggles.

"No, no, no. They seemed nice when they paid for us, but then they walked up to our car and gave us a script. Who does that? That was terrifying. Truly terrifying. I thought they were going to murder us."

"Dude was wearing a Taylor Swift t-shirt and she was like what five-four? What were they gonna do?" Chris said and Matt laughed.

"Trying to throw us off, that's what they were trying to do. And a YouTube short film contest? How have we not heard about this? That's fucking suspicious. I'm Googling that shit right now." Nick pulled out his phone and Googled it. "Oh, shit. It's real." They all laughed as Nick showed them his phone.

"Why don't we do our own thing and enter the contest?" Matt suggested.

"That's a lot of work and the deadline is at the beginning of September. We would have less than a month to pull something out of our asses," Nick answered.

"Where's the script?" Chris asked.

"Right here. Go nuts." Nick handed it to him.

"I'm gonna read it out loud. Matt, you be the other character. I'll be Landon."

"No, Matt has to do the laundry. You can put on your little play after." Nick put on his headphones and started editing the video they just filmed on his laptop.

"Fine," Matt sighed and walked away.

Chris plopped next to Nick on the couch and began reading the script to himself while Matt put in a load of laundry. Chris flipped through the pages, his brows furrowed as his eyes scanned the words. They worked in silence. The only sound that filled their home was the sound of clothes tumbling in the washer. 

"Wow," Chris said almost twenty minutes later. "This is actually good."

"You're done already?" Matt walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah. It's really short. It's about a girl named Mary who's walking by her crush at work and thinking of all the possible scenarios that could happen in their relationship, but all she does is smile at him and walk to her car. There's not a lot of dialogue so it seems like it'd be easy to remember."

"You're really thinkin' about auditioning?" Matt asked.

"Hell yeah. You know I can act. I'm the best actor out of the three of us."

"Mmm you're wrong." Matt ran his fingers through his hair.

"Kid, what are you talking about? You can't even get through one whole thought out loud and Nick would laugh through the whole scene. Nick, back me up." Chris hit Nick on the arm.

"Ow! What, Chris?" Nick took off his headphones and hit Chris back.

"Out of the three of us, I'd be the best actor, right?"

"Agreed. I also don't care. Either you or me. Definitely not Matt." Nick and Chris laughed.

"Yeah, but I'd understand the lines. Chris would just say them," Matt argued.

"Understand the lines," Chris imitated Matt. "Bro, what's there to understand? They're here on the paper and then you say them." Chris smacked the script.

"Can I please just read the script?" Matt asked, his ears turned red. Chris gave Matt the script.

"I wanna go. Nick, do you wanna go?" Chris asked.

"No way. I don't trust them. How do you know they're legit and aren't going to murder us at this location," Nick said, holding up Aaron's card.

"I'll check their website to see if they're legit and we can go to see how many people show up."

"I can't with you. We're gonna be way too busy to add this to our schedule." Nick went back to editing the video.

"I just wanna see if they pick me. I don't have to do it. We're going back to Boston soon anyway." Chris ran his fingers through his long dark brown hair. Matt looked up from the script.

"No, that's rude. If you're gonna audition you've gotta commit to it," Matt said.

"Fine. I'm in. Can you drive me to the audition?" Chris asked.

"Sure," Matt answered, still reading the script.


"Absolutely not, but I'll wait in the car with my staff just in case I need to save you." Nick laughed. 

Thank you so much for reading Chapter 2!

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