Chapter 5

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The sun was rising and you were utterly exhausted. You sighed as tears started to well up in your eyes. You had finally made it to the front doors of the castle. 

You opened the doors with the little strength that you had left. The king and queen were sitting on their thrones discussing something about the other kingdoms near them until they saw you collapse onto the floor.

The both of them ran as fast as they could to get to you, "Y/N, dear are you ok!?!" the queen asked with a lot of concern in her eyes. 

"A curse *cough* attacked the orphanage.... I was the only survivor..." you said feeling the tears and the pain hit you all at once. 

"Y/n..." the king said with sympathy in his voice, he knew what it was like to lose people you were in charge with, "At least you are safe and still alive. I'll go call someone to help your wounds before it's too late."

As the king walked away in a rush, the queen sat there hugging and comforting you telling you that everything was alright. But you knew for a fact their death was all your fault. 

You were interrupted from your thoughts when you heard a familiar voice, "What is going on?" The prince walked over and looked at you with anger written all over his face, but it suddenly changed when he saw the injuries you had received. 

"The orphanage that Y/N was at got attacked by a curse, she was the only survivor." the queen said to her son. 

Prince Liam walked closer to the both of you and bent down wrapping his arms around you. He picked you up and told his mom that he would take care of you. 

You didn't want to go with him, but you couldn't do anything about it. You couldn't walk, and you didn't want to argue with the prince at the moment. 

"At least you're ok," the prince said in a very low whisper. When he started to speak again but you passed out not hearing anything.

You were comfortable, the most comfortable that you had ever been in years. "This is so comfy, am I in Heaven?" you asked nobody in particular as you were still peacefully laying on the cloud like object. 

You then heard laughter from the opposite side of the room, "No Y/N you are not in Heaven. You are in my bed." you knew the voice all so well. 

You then shot up from the bed, "Wha--OWWW" Your whole body was aching like you had been running a marathon. The prince then walked over to you delicately grabbing onto your shoulders and laying you back down in his bed. 

"Are you being ungrateful? I gave you this nice bed to lay on. Ugh, do you ever learn?" he said. 

You sighed, you couldn't believe that you thought that he changed for a second. 'He is the most confusing person in the world,' you thought. 

"Oh I forgot to tell you, it might not be the best time but I have decided to fire you. You couldn't even help 11 kids!! How are you supposed to save a kingdom if it's in danger?" he said interrupting your thoughts.

"WHAT!! I did try to help! I am not as useless as you think, but I couldn't do much since there was fire surrounding us! And it's 12 kids! Hold up. Your firing me too! Weren't you the one who said, 'At least your ok?" you said flabbergasted by the whole situation unravelling in front of you. 

"Your delusional Y/N, why would I say that to a servant like you?" he exclaimed. 

'Why can't he make up his mind, geez.' you thought. 2


You woke up and immediately sat up and started to get out of bed. You were done being here, if you had to hear the prince say one more time that you were ungrateful you might blow again. 

It was fine for you to leave, the only injury that was really left was a couple of bruises, your sprained ankle had already healed. 

You got dressed and was ready to go home. You quietly walked out of the room and sneaked past the halls, when you reached the King and Queen's throne you walked up to them and bowed. 

"Thank you for always helping me and supporting me. I am so sorry if I was ever a pain to you. I really appreciate everything, I thought of you two as my second parents." you said smiling at them. 

"Y/N? What are you talking about?" they both asked. 

"I have been fired by the prince himself so I will be going to search for another job in a little bit." you said ready to leave. 

"He did what!?!?!" the queen yelled. 

"Ma'am it's ok. I think it's time for me to take a break and spend some time thinking things out." you said not wanting the prince to hear her yelling. 

"Thank you Y/N for everything. We will miss you more than you think. You were like the daughter we never had," the king said. 

The queen abruptly stood up and left the throne room in a hurry, and you knew that was your que to leave. 

You left fast hoping you could make it out without seeing the Prince. 

You passed by the village waving to everyone, but you were confused on why you hadn't seen Aubrey. As you finally made it close to your house you froze. It was burnt down. 

You ran as fast as you could trying to see if your mind was playing tricks on you. You wished that it was all a dream, but it wasn't. Your house was actually burnt down, you reached down and picked up a note that was where your front door used to be. 

Dear Y/N, 

You no longer can live in this house. You can no longer pay for it, since you do not have a job anymore. You must find a new job that pays well before you can ask to have your house rebuild. I doubt that you will be able to find another job but I wish you the best of luck. I was going to marry you, but that day under the tree I realized that you were a waste of my time. If I need you in the future don't worry I will be able to find you. No matter where you go I will always be in your life. 

Hope you have fun finding a job. 

Prince Liam

You scrunched up the paper frustrated with his royal bull. 'Fine! Wait.. not fine I have no clothes! What am I going to do now?' you thought feeling hopeless. 

"Stupid prince," you said under your breath. 

"Pathetic," you heard a voice say from in front of you. You looked up to see a man with a kimono on, but you could tell that the man had a lot of muscle and tattoos all over his body. 

The Queen of Curses - (Sukuna x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now