Werewolf + wolfwalker! child! Reader (platonic)

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For context: a wolfwalker is someone who turns into a wolf when they sleep and back to human (in this case Cookie) when they're awake.
(This is from a movie called "Wolfwalkers", which I watched in clips on YouTube :>)


Y/N's P.O.V:

I was able to spot a kingdom from afar. I went near it and watched all the cookies there work.

Before mother dissapeared, she told me other cookies could be dangerous if they saw me walking around in my wolf form, but this kingdom seemed... different! I could see all sorts of cookies in there, even one with a butter tiger!

Y/N: 'they wouldn't find it a big deal if I got in right?' I said in my thoughts when I saw a cookie coming my way, he probably noticed me, "oh! Sorry if i'm bothering anyone here... I was just watching, I swear! I have no malicious intent! I'll... go away if-" I was soon cut off by the cookie.

Gingerbrave: "no no! It's fine! You can come in if you want!" he said attempting to open to open the gates himself, he stoped when an older cookie aproached.

Tea Knight Cooki: "having problems Gingerbrave? And who is this?"

Y/N: "oh! I'm Y/N Cookie! I was just passing by and found this kingdom! Is it okay if I stay?... my mother dissapeared a few months ago and i've been lonely since..." I explained to the older cookie, who just helped the other one open the gates for me. "Thank you for letting me stay! The forest gets lonely at times..."

Gingerbrave: "it's no problem! I'm Gingerbrave by the way! And this is Tea Knight Cookie!"

Y/N: "nice to meet you! Ehm... if you don't mind... can you show me around?"

Gingerbrave: "oh! Sorry Y/N... I have alot of things to do already... hmm..." he hummed and looked around. "Aha! Hey Werewolf Cookie!" he shouted dragging me towards the another cookie.

Werewolf Cookie: "you... really shouldn't come near if you don't want to get hurt..." he said backing away from us.

Gingerbrave: "sorry to bother you Werewolf hehe... it's just that... we have a new cookie here! This is Y/N Cookie and I was wondering if you could show them around? I really need to go back to my chores" he said introducing me to Werewolf Cookie, before he could protest, Gingerbrave was called to do something for another cookie and left me alone with Werewolf.

Y/N: "Hey uhm... it might not be a common question for you, especially since you seem to avoid people alot but... are you perhaps... an actual Werewolf? Not trying to be mean or anything... but, if you are... i'm almost like you!" when I said that last part he looked at me, probably shocked by what I said.

Werewolf Cookie: "how so...?"

Y/N: "well... I do need to be asleep for it to work and I turn into an actual wolf. This happens because i'm a wolfwalker! I'm a wolf when I sleep, a cookie when i'm awake!" I explained to him.

Werewolf Cookie: "could you show me later? You don't have to..."

Y/N: "yeah! I can!"

By the end of the day...

Gingerbrave: "so... what did you think about the kingdom Y/N?"

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