TWO. we're gonna be fine just fine

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THE CROWD stood in front of the aliens, prepared to fight for the safety of Seabrook

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THE CROWD stood in front of the aliens, prepared to fight for the safety of Seabrook.

Zed switched his Z-Band off and pounced towards the group. Danielle grabbed his shoulders struggling to pull her boyfriend back and preventing him from hurting someone.

"It seems our arrival may have caused a small, somewhat destructive energy surge." One alien spoke.

"It appears these angry beings may not give us their precious thing willingly."

"Then we'll have to wait explain our presence without telling them our mission."

One of the aliens stepped forward, "Take is to your leader."

"Your cheerleader!" The other smiled, "We accept your invitation to the National Cheer Off."

"Z-Patrol, arrest them!" Addison's father called.

So they were detained. Zed, Bonzo, and Danielle all stood in a interrogation with A-spen who had explained that Zed could still get into Mountain College with there exceptional scholarship.

It had been decided that the aliens would stay until the cheer competition and once it was over they would ordered to leave immediately.

So they would attend school just like everyone else.

Danielle stood outside the Necrodopolis' house and waited for him to come out.


Danielle looked up from her hands and smiled, "How're you liking the aliens so far?"

"Well, they did kind of blow up Seabrook, right?"

"You should know better than anyone that it was an accident." Danielle smiled, "Have you worked on your scholarship yet?"

"No, but I am so getting into Mountain College, and we are going to be together forever."

"Forever?" Danielle questioned.

A great question to ask. Danielle didn't really think much about her future. She only ever thought about how she could control her ghosting better, but now that she had somewhat got it under control, all she had to do now is figure out this college thing.

"You're gonna be just fine." Danielle reassured, "If you need any help on your application let me know."

Zed smiled, placing a small kiss on Danielle's forehead.

Everything was going to be just fine for the couple. Exceptionally fine.

 Exceptionally fine

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- lucy has something to say !!

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- lucy has something to say !!

let's be respectful of a-spen's pronouns do not test me on that their pronouns are they/them/theirs

songs in the third movie are definitely better

songs in the third movie are definitely better

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bye :))))

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