THREE. ghostworld or something sinister?

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DANIELLE SAT in the local zombie pizzeria with Addison, Bree, and Vanessa

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DANIELLE SAT in the local zombie pizzeria with Addison, Bree, and Vanessa. She didn't have much to do today and besides hanging out with someone who wasn't Zed or Wyatt was a nice change of pace.

Until she turned and was faced with A-spen.

"I need your help."

"Sure, let me just get my heart rate back to normal." Danielle joked.

A-spen sat in silence with their hands clasped together, quite literally waiting for Danielle to feel "normal".

Danielle smiled, "I can help you."

"I have a feeling I cannot define. My palms are sweaty, and it feels like space moths are in my stomach."

"Space flu." Bree said.

"I think you have a crush on someone, A-spen." Danielle said.


"It's when you like-like someone. You know, love." Addison explained.

"I do not know."

Vanessa scoffed, moving her seat closer to A-spen, "It when you have the best connection with someone and it's so strong that you'll feel like you can't live without them."

"And desire, somewhat irrationally, to be with them?"

"That, but not as intense." Danielle reassured.

A-spen smiled, "Yes, that is it."

"Who's the lucky person?" Bree asked.

"A zombie."

"Oh!" Bree exclaimed, "Bonzo is so not available. Hey, hold my glasses, Addy."

"I love Zed." A-spen quickly said.

Danielle laughed, "You love Zed?" She knew that A-spen was being serious. They didn't know much about jokes, "A-spen, I..."

Was she going to say she loved Zed? Oh my... she was. That was a big thing to say and she hadn't even said it to Zed yet. Oh, this was big news for her to self receive.

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