FOUR. beamed me up

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Or, at least, she thought she had.

The white walls of the... whatever it was, could blind anyone making their way through the corridor.

She had finally sensed something or someone behind her. She didn't hesitate to turn and collide her fist against the object.

Which happened to be Zed's cheek.

"Oh!" She exclaimed, "I'm so sorry. What are you doing here?"

Danielle didn't miss Addison by his side, declaring she'd been beamed up and that Zed had been asked by A-spen to share his knowledge on Seabrook.

Danielle chuckled and rubbed her hands together, "They're trying to spend alone time with you."

"Alone time? Why?" Zed asked. A beat of silence passed, "Oh! Oh. Okay, well, I do have universal appeal."

Danielle scoffed, "Can you at least be nice. A-spen's new to all these feelings and other people. But also let them down gently because you're my boyfriend."

"Beware! Intruder!"

The trio turned and saw A-lan, A-spen, and A-li approaching them.

"Mothership beamed you aboard?" A-spen asked Addison.

"We have no choice but to-"

"Vaporize you."

"Welcome you."

Two very drastic things two to do to people.

But they decided to welcome the trio inside and lead them aboard their mothership.

"You have a wonderful home." Addison smiled.

"It is a marvelous ship, but it is not our home." A-lan said.

"Our planet was destroyed by environmental blight built up over many years." A-spen explained.

"Did anyone try and stop it?" Danielle asked.

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