SIX. he's too good for my heart

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BIG DAY. That was two words to describe the plethora of things happening right now.

But the main focus has been on Seabrook winning the Cheer Cup, which meant that the aliens could go to their new home.

Things seemed to be going well until the werewolves made their way towards the cheer stage to say that the aliens had an lied and had been there to "take what's ours".

That's when everything came crashing down.

Addison ran out of the school with the aliens, Zed, and Danielle all ran out and they were surrounded by the Z-Portal.

"Okay!" Danielle shouted, "Can we just talk this out... like people?"

That's when Addison came forward and proudly named herself as and alien.

She began to transform and became and alien just before their eyes.

With that out of the way, the cheer cup wasn't the most precious thing in Seabrook... it was Addison. Addison would be the mail the aliens needed to find their new home.

But with their ship destroyed... they couldn't make it home and if they could get up in the air, they had a very big percentage on completed blowing up.

So, everyone decided to help repair the ship and it was a big success. Meaning, Addison would be leaving and missing out on graduation.

But, Zed has gotten accepted into Mountain College and the school would now allow other monsters to apply as well. So a good thing did come from this.

And did you really think that Addison would skip out on graduation?

The Utopia the aliens had been looking for had been Seabrook all along. Though it wasn't a perfect place, it felt like a new home.

So, the aliens moved into Seabrook.

Everything was going according to plan... well...

Danielle never really said that big L word to Zed.

She knew she needed to but the heartburning feeling of him laughing at her and walking out was such a big pain for her.

But she had to do it at this point. She tried at graduation and failed. Tried to do it at graduation party and failed.

So, now she stood in his room at Mountain College with her hands clamped together and he watched her with an almost blank expression.

"Did you just want to stare at me?" Zed asked with a laugh, "I don't mind. I have universal appeal."

Danielle scoffed, "This is stupid. I can't."

"Can't what?"


Zed furrowed his brows and stood from his bed, "Express?"

Danielle sighed, "Zed" She spoke, taking his hands, "I have something important to tell you."

"If you're breaking up with me this would be such a twisted way of doing it."

"I love you."

Danielle slapped her hand over her mouth. She didn't mean to say it so quickly. She could feel herself finding a corner of her mind and rocking back and forth.

Zed smiled, removing her hand from her mouth and holding it.

He never could understand Danielle's slapping hand over the mouth bit. She would aggressively slap her hand over her mouth and would ghost slightly. Coping mechanism he could only assume.

"I love you, Dani." He laughed, "Why are you freaking out?"

"Because! Emoting is hard."

Zed laughed, placing a small kiss on her forehead and pulling her in for a very tight hug.

And just like that, everything was fine. They had their ups and downs.

Everyone seemed happy and everyone felt at peace.

People would be more accepting of people who would come in and out of Seabrook.

Zed had made a bigger impact than he could ever imagine.

Zed wasn't bad for business at all, in fact, he had been actually what Seabrook needed.

Zed wasn't bad for business at all, in fact, he had been actually what Seabrook needed

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- lucy has something to say !!

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- lucy has something to say !!

not zoey zombie-ing out for the aliens pop off queen

the werewolves should've apologized better🧍

anyways i hate how the movie ended

so the ranking:

zombies 1
zombies 2
zombies 3

but zombies 3 has better songs 🧍

anyways story over i can't believe it ends on one of the worst endings of the movie in my opinion

final exceptional zed meme 🫡

final exceptional zed meme 🫡

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bye :))))

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