Chapter One: Start Over Great...

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IMPORTANT!! for those confused this is a remake of my second akame ga kill x male reader I've been on a huge Hiatus my bad indeed...but am back with some time! so ill try and get some chapters out!~ also I'll be changing up my style of writing unless you guys like the old way I wrote aka in script anyway sorry for intruding on your reading go ahead with the book!~

rolling out of bed he groaned Yesterday wasn't great how could Today be any better? he sat up revealing a T-shirt and Pants he'd slept in listing to the birds sing and the sun shining on him he stretched out feeling his back muscles ack and crack from the action. still tired he touched the grass below...him. wait grass below him?

"...." "WHERE THE FUCK AM I?!" his voice echoed through the small valley he woke up in getting to his feet he stepped on a rock before screaming in pain at swearing at it like the hormonal teenager he was "FUCK SHIT YOU FUCK! CUNT ASS DAMMIT!!!" searched on himself maybe a possible sign that could tell him where he was. but nothing...he kept looking about only to find!~

nothing...there wasn't a single thing on him that give him any indication of where he was, bumped he looked over the gassy plains maybe there was something here that could tell him?! and again...not a single thing other than the lovely lush grass below him. 

"ah fuck I don't even have my phone on me!!" he grunted kicking up some dirt before he went through possible ideas on where he might be. "did I drink and get shitfaced??" he thought only to be answered with more confusion and frustration. 

"WERE THE FUCK EVEN AM I?!" again his voice echoed before he gave up and began wandering through the grassy plains looking for any resemblance on a road or town-like structure, determined to find a resemblance of civilisation he continued to walk on the oddly soft ground barefoot walking along he kept his hands at his sides focusing on the fact he was utterly lost. 

"what the hell did I get myself into"  thoughts clouded his mind before he felt himself bump into something. "oh shit sor..ry...." it was there he immediately went wide-eyed and then proceeded to run for it. "HOLLLYYY FUCKK NONONONONON WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING!!!!! HELP FUCKL SOMEONE HELP ME"

he panicked sweat falling down his face as kept running hearing the massive creature behind him roar he ran faster his heart pumping a billion miles a second before he well you'd think he'd pull out some awesome power or weapon and murder this thing but ah no...he fell over a rock

"AH FUCK YOU'VE GOT TO BE PULLING ON MY LEG!!!" then at that moment he felt death's embrace and...opening his eyes he looked up to find the thing dead cut to pieces he was a little stunned getting off the ground, sighing in relief "oh that fuck its dead-" "who are you" "JESUS CHRIST MOTHER OF FUCK!" the teenager proceeded to hold back on punching the stranger most likely in the face. the stranger in question stood there with a weapon in their hand still awaiting an answer. meanwhile. 

"ah good god thanks for killing that thing!~ anyway can you tell me where I am-" their weapon was pushed towards his face a glare in their eye "who are you answer my question or I'll kill you" "w-whoa! whoa! whoa! n-no need for violence! I just wanted to know where I am!" 

she proceeded to kick him to the floor "answer me!" "a-am y/n Jesus calm down! I didn't do anything wrong!" she lowered her weapon "what's your last name" "why does that matter-" her weapon was once again focused on him "tell me!" "f-fine! It l/n n-now f-fuck don't kill me!" he shock a little before she lowered her weapon, putting it on her side before he got to his feet. and began to tail her. 

there was silence between the two of them before she again faced her weapon his way "why are you following me?" "I d-don't know where I am! I said this already..." "how is that my problem and stop following me" "then can you at least tell me where I am?" she sighed in annoyance "you on the outside of the capital walls" he looked at her, blinked and tilted his head in confusion "where?" "am not repeating myself go away" "but I need help!" "help yourself" "what kind of advice is that?! don't you own a phone or something?!" "what are you on about?" 

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