grandpa dies (farm obtained)

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Author's note: This is my first story, so it'd be nice to get some constructive criticism. Also, there's a bit of swearing. Anyways, Enjoy!

"And for you, my very special grandchildren, I give you this letter. There will come a day when you will feel overwhelmed by the burden of reality, where you feel your spirit fade before an-" I glance at my sister, Poppy, who is listening intently to every word he's saying. My hearing died a long time ago, so I can barely hear the guy. I have my joja shift in like, an hour, so I hope he hurries up. Last time I was late my boss got really mad. Grandpa leans over and gives us a letter, sealed with purple wax. Poppy and I thank him and leave.

Three years later

I'm sitting at my desk, typing away at my third information report of the day. The bell to signal break rings, and everyone stands up, almost in unison, and rushes past the stained concrete cubicles to get to the break room.

Once I'm there, and have found a seat, I wait for Poppy to arrive. She arrives five minutes later, looking bedraggled. She works in a separate section to me, so we can only see each other at work during breaks. "Six hours down, four to go." I say, sipping my coffee. Poppy nods and I spit out the coffee. It had a weird texture, in my defence.

"Wish we could do what Grandpa did. Just live on a farm, y'know?" Poppy says tiredly. "We can, can't we? he left us that letter- that could have some money for us to live there!" I say, hope rising in my chest. "Oh my god, you're right!" Poppy exclaims. "The letter is in my drawer, we can go get it!" I look at her excitedly. "Let's go get it then!"

Once we arrive at Poppy's cubicle, she opens her drawer and asks me to hold the other stuff. I nod, and she begins pulling stuff out. Lolly wrappers, a small plushie, several Joja Cola cans, A few novels, a chair, a coffee table, a vase of rare flowers, seventeen erasers (but surprisingly, no pencils?) a bomb, "YOU HAVE A BOMB??" I cry. "YOU DON'T?!" she yells back. Eventually she gets to the bottom of the drawer, which is a good thing considering I'm stuck under a pile of random furniture and other junk. "here!" She waves it in front of my face. "we'll just open it at home, yeah?"

Several weeks later (I don't feel like writing the whole at home discovery)

"GET OUT OF BED, OUR BUS LEAVES IN TWO AND A HALF HOURS!!" Poppy yells at me from across the house. "EXACTLY, PLENTY OF TIME!" I call back. "Would you rather be early or late, Chip?" She made it into my room, and is now menacingly waving an unplugged hair straightener at me. "Shut your gob, Poppy." I say, burying my face further into my pillow. "This hair straighter is still hot, you know. if you don't get out of bed RIGHT NOW, I will straighten your hair and you will look like a sewer rat, YOU HEAR ME?" She smiles smugly at me. "WOAH WOAH WOAH NO NEED FOR THAT" I say, holding my hands up in defeat, preparing to get out of bed. Poppy grins as I get out of bed, still half dressed from staying up all night reading. "Geez, you look terrible." Poppy says seriously. "I was up late reading." I defend. "Reading fanfiction, you mean? I can hear you exclaim whenever you come across a random smut chapter, you know." I shoot her a look, but we both end up cackling. "Fine, fine. I'll get ready." I say, smiling. I walk into the bathroom and have a shower, getting dressed in my finest clothes before attacking my hair with a hairdryer. As I'm searching for my mask, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My eyes are covered by my hair, which was redyed recently to black with light pink and light blue highlights.

 My eyes are covered by my hair, which was redyed recently to black with light pink and light blue highlights

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When I walk out of the bathroom an hour later, Poppy has only one thing to say to me: "Emo shithead. Although, you don't look like a sewer rat, which is an improvement on most days." I place my hand on my chest in mock surprise, and Poppy and I laugh. "At least I'm not wearing a white blouse. We're going to a farm, for gods sake!" I retort.

Poppy grins

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Poppy grins. "Shut the fuck up you ugly ass emo shithead, you look like a mole rat, you look and smell like you shower once a week, Don't be coming for me with your split ends-" Poppy starts "CALM DOW-" I can't get two words in when she's like this. "-I'm not fuckin finished, bitch. Why don't you go out and sit on the street, you literally look like a homeless person, how do you even see with that hair covering your eyes? It's coloured pink blue and black you thing you're original? you sure as hell aren't, I would roast more of your face but I don't wanna start a grease fire. You look like Nerd and Goth from "Boyfriends" combined with that ugly ass fit, goddamn I can't think of enough words to describe how crusty musty dusty you look ugly ass. They talking about a drought on the news, well your fuckin pussy's in a drought smelly ass bitch." Poppy takes a deep breath and finishes her long line of insults. "5/10, You're getting worse at these. Boyfriends? Seriously? Basic and repetitive." I critique. Poppy snaps her fingers, and laughs. "Darn, I thought that was pretty good." She sighs and shrugs.

"Also, our bus leaves in half an hour." I say casually. Our bags are already packed. Of course the mover people took our furniture and crap, they did so like a week ago. We've been sleeping on air matresses since then. "WHAT? OH MY GOD, I HAVE SO MUCH TO PACK!!" She exclaims. She runs off and I call after her: "ALL YOU HAVE TO PACK IS THE BATHROOM STUFF, THE LANDLORD SAID TO LEAVE THE AIR MATRESSES HERE!" "OH" She sighs in relief and goes to get a bag for the last of our stuff. "And we also have like 50 minutes 'till the bus leaves, I just wanted to try and prevent another insult chain." Poppy gives me a look, and leaves the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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