September 2016

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​​Sept 7, 2016

As the Promotion Ambassador of the Chinese Environmental Protection Foundation (CEPF)"Protect the Pangolins" project, despite being in a location with bad signals, conscientiously, Huang Jingyu tried to tell the story of the pangolins during his trip back to the hotel in the car and called upon everyone to protect pangolins. Although repeatedly, the live streaming was interrupted due to poor signals, led to hangs, loss of sound and even disconnection, it did not end just so. Due to the loss of sound, Huang Jingyu, through the most primitive way of communicating with paper and pen, continues to interact with fans watching online. He wrote the following passage down during the live:

"The world does not change because of how much one person does, but when everyone does a little; you do not have to donate a hundred dollars, you simply need to influence a hundred people around you to donate a dollar each."

​​ ​Sept 9, 2016

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​​ ​Sept 9, 2016

Huang Jingyu attended the Bazaar Star Charity Night 2016 as an invited guest. Dressed in Dolce & Gabbana's wine red double button suit with the brand's shirt underneath, it was simple yet elegant, low profile but was also a bright star on the red carpet that night.

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7 September 2016

Sebagai Promotion Ambassador dari Chinese Environmental Protection Foundation (CEPF) proyek "Lindungi Trenggiling", meskipun berada di lokasi dengan sinyal buruk, dengan hati-hati, Huang Jingyu mencoba menceritakan kisah trenggiling selama perjalanannya kembali ke hotel di mobil dan meminta semua orang untuk melindungi trenggiling. Meski berulang kali live streaming terganggu karena sinyal yang buruk, menyebabkan hang, kehilangan suara dan bahkan pemutusan, itu tidak berakhir begitu saja. Karena hilangnya suara, Huang Jingyu, melalui cara paling primitif untuk berkomunikasi dengan kertas dan pena, terus berinteraksi dengan penggemar yang menonton online. Dia menulis bagian berikut selama siaran langsung:

"Dunia tidak berubah karena seberapa banyak yang dilakukan satu orang, tetapi ketika semua orang melakukan sedikit; Anda tidak perlu menyumbang seratus dolar, Anda hanya perlu mempengaruhi seratus orang di sekitar Anda untuk menyumbang masing-masing satu dolar."

9 September 2016

Huang Jingyu menghadiri Bazaar Star Charity Night 2016 sebagai tamu undangan. Mengenakan setelan kancing ganda merah anggur Dolce & Gabbana dengan kemeja merek di bawahnya, itu sederhana namun elegan, low profile tetapi juga bintang terang di karpet merah malam itu.

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