Chapter 2

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     It was, in fact, Mason Pierce and Austin Reed - my two best friends. Standing right in front of me, I could barely tell if they were real or not.

"Happy to see us?" Mason smirked from under his baseball cap. His black hair poked out messily with his brown eyes spelling out fucking mischief.
"Well, I mean......yeah duh. Of course!," I said through a laugh as I went in for a bear hug with the two of them. Feeling overwhelmed with excitement and confusion, I was utterly and completely shocked.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked smiling ear to ear. I felt like my English teacher. Austin glanced at Mason for a second and then looked back at me. You could tell something exciting was happening just by looking at the shitty, little, grin on his face. "Well, uh...didn't you hear? There are a few new kids in school," Austin teased. He knew I was going to absolutely loose my fucking mind when he would say that. I didn't even know how it was possible for them to be enrolled in this school without me knowing about it. "But, are you guys even here? I mean, HOW are you enrolled in my school? And-" "Both of our dads got a job at the same company out here. And Y'know, since we obviously couldn't stay at our old school, our parents enrolled us here," Austin interrupted, as if the whole situation was totally simple. Like I was just stupid or something. Probably seeing the shock on my face, Mason clarified, "We wanted to surprise you," he said with a little smile. "I guess...I guess I just can't believe, you guys actually have enough brain cells to keep a secret for so long," I joked (not really).

     Even though I was starting to feel clingy or something, all I could do was go for another hug, that is, until Mason shoved me off.
"Get off of us dumbass! You're gonna make us vomit," Mason gagged.
"Shut up," I laughed, my eyes twinkling with joy. (At least I'm assuming that's what my eyes looked like. Sometimes I'm actually really happy but it really looks like I'm about to kill the next person who walks in the room.)
It was then I realized how tall they got. The last time I saw them, believe it or not, we were about the same height. Now, they were at least four inches taller than me, considering I have to stand on my tippy-toes just to hug them. I fucking hate it. But besides the slightly uncomfortable height difference, It was honestly one of the best moments of my life..... until I noticed something.

     That kid I had bumped into just a few minutes before, was sitting across the room and staring at us. He was with another boy who looked like he could be a senior (who was also staring at us). And they didn't look like gross weirdo boys or anything, they were actually......y'know what never mind, but they were creeping me out. Mason probably noticed that my mind was somewhere else cause then he asked looking concerned, "Hey, what's wrong?". Austin hadn't noticed at first, but he looked concerned now too. I had a mini debate in my head on whether or not I should tell them about the weird little incident I had earlier. Guess which side won.

     "Um...y-you see those two guys over there staring at us?" I asked somewhat nervously. I pointed at the two boys across from us while trying to seem subtle. Austin and Mason slowly nodded their heads. "Well, just to be clear, I've never seen either of them before in my life see that smaller one? Yeah, I uh... I bumped into him earlier and he knew my name." "Well that's not creepy at all," Austin joked sarcastically. But even though he was still joking around, he looked just as spooked as me and Mason were. Whoops, I almost forgot to tell them the most important part. "And then, after I bumped into him, I said 'Sorry' and he was all like 'As you should be'. Like.... what the heck is that supposed to mean??" I asked them. I didn't want the two guys noticing we were talking about them, but thats about impossible considering we were all staring at each other. "Asshole," Mason muttered under his breath.

     I could tell Mason was getting a little worked up. He's always had that " I'm the only person who's allowed to be mean to my friends" attitude. To be fair, all three of us had that attitude. The three of us get into arguments all the time, but we don't ever take it personally because we know we don't mean it. We just laugh about it. But this was different. We weren't being mean to each other, someone else was being mean, or well...rude, to me. So that did not exactly thrill Mason. Luckily, Austin was able to stay somewhat calm.

     "Lets just uh... not worry about it right now," Austin suggested, trying to change the subject and calm Mason down. He nudged Mason trying to get him to refocus. "Yeah...yeah you're right. It's probably nothing Addy, just don't worry about it," Mason said reassuringly. He patted me on the back trying to get me to refocus as well.



     The rest of the night was awesome. After school we all went over to Mason's new place and had a horror movie marathon, which is the best kind of marathon. Most of it consisted of not actually watching the movies and throwing popcorn at each other, screaming at one another, and me watching Mason and Austin get into full on fist fights. It was the best. My life is going to be way easier now that they're here.

     At around 11:00pm I left Mason's and started walking back to my house. The road was completely empty, almost as if it was abandoned. I was the only person walking down the wide, dark, street and it was kinda creeping me out. Luckily, my house is only a few blocks away from Mason's, so I wouldn't be walking for too much longer.
I could hear my own footsteps, breathing patterns, my own blinking (well maybe not my blinking). Something felt off. I turned around and started walking backwards to make sure no one was following me. Nothing looked out of the ordinary. The cars that were there before were still there, the lights from each of the houses stayed as they were before, I didn't see any shadowy figures. Once I was sure no one was following me, I decided to turn back around and start walking normally again. And that's when I saw him.

What do you guys think of Austin and Mason? What about the two creepy guys? Please comment your thoughts on the story as a whole, and make sure to vote!

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