My TLOU1 Fic - Homophobia?

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Right, honestly I never thought I'd have to make this kind of statement, but here we go.

If you guys have been reading my TLOU1 fic - Darker Days, then you will have noticed a trend of comments coming in waves.

About how I'm supposably homophobic or that I'm against people who are a part of that sexuality simply because..... I changed a lesbian character (who at the time I thought was Bi) to simply that, Bi.

Now, here's the funny part, nowhere in the title, description or chapters (besides comments) have I mentioned there to be romance in this book. In fact, there will be no romance that extends pass platonic love in Book 1 simply because of the lack of age and time to develop realistic.

Going forward, I'm sick of comments like this:

Going forward, I'm sick of comments like this:

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If you don't like it, don't read it. Idk what's so hard about that.

Will this change effect the story or Ellie as a character in any way, shape or form? No, it won't. If anything, it simply adds to her overall character.

Okay, so now that I've made things clearer, I hope if you disagree with the plot decisions I made, then simply don't read them. It's not a hard thing to do. Instead of complaining about something so meaningless in the grand scheme of things, you should just walk away and live your life without ever having hating and disturbing a FAN-FICTION author's time.

Now, I apologise for the rant, but these messages have been happening for a while now. All based on the same thing, and with great assumptions you. Which, I'll be honest, are correct in a sense, but let me be clear.

Book 1 will contain no romance other than platonic or casual teen crushes. Nothing more, nothing less.

Good day!

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