Chapter 11

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After sometime

Namjoon- yn shall we go now?

yn- yes I'm hungry 

Namjoon- Shall we go to a restaurant then? 

yn- yes

With this yn and Namjoon went to a restaurant and ordered their food

Namjoon- So yn what do you want to do next?

yn- I'm done for the day. Can we go home and rest?

Namjoon- Sure yn

With this, they ate their food and left for their home. Even though yn wanted to ignore Namjoon she could not resist his charms.

This, one month passed yet yn did not remember anyone except for the flashes she gets often.

Namjoon- yn are you sure that you can be alright?

yn- Don't worry mom and dad are going to accompany me today 

Namjoon- But why do I need to go to college?

yn- Because you are on leave for 1 month and I don't want to be cursed by some girls for not letting you go to college (You know Namjoon is popular among the girls after chatting with  veronica )

Namjoon- This is why you wanted me to go to college. I thought you hated my company (I said with relief in my voice)

yn- I love your company but you need to go to your job

Namjoon- Why I Own the college why can't I take a leave (Said with a pout on the face)

yn- Okay Mr Owner now go and teach your students(Said and pushed Namjoon out of the door)

Namjoon- Wow I'm being forced to go to college even tho I want to be with my wifey (Said while dramatically wiping the non-existence tears)

yn- Enough with your drama now go to collage

Namjoon- Okay Wifey(Siad and gave yn a dimpled smile)

yn- (Aish he again gave me his dimple smile. I'm going crazy over his smile)

Namjoon- (After giving yn a smile I left for college)

After some time yn parents came and all of them settled in the living room

y/n/m- yn how are you?

yn- I'm fine mom

y/n/f- yn do you remember anything?

yn- no dad (While I said this I observed sadness surround their faces to lighten the mood I said ) But I do get some glimpses of 2 people adoring their daughter 

With this, a smile can be seen on yn parents' faces.

y/n/m/f- You are such a cheerful child yn we are blessed to have you

With this they all became emotional. This moment was interrupted by the ring from the front door

y/n/f- I will see who it is (I Said and left)

y/n/f- Welcome Mr and Mrs Kim

With this, they all gathered in the living room 

Mrs Kim- How are you yn?

yn- I'm good mom

Mrs Kim- It's good to hear the word mom in your voice again (Said and became emotional)

To lighten the mood yn said 

yn- Mom shall we prepare lunch

Mrs Kim & y/n/m- Sure yn

With this, the ladies left to prepare lunch. While Mr Kim and y/n/f talked about some business matters  

They talked until evening and Namjoon came come from collage 

Namjoon- YN!!

yn- Yes why are you shouting 

Namjoon- I'm just excited to see my Wifey 

yn- (Smiled)

Mr Kim- Okay son then we will leave now 

Namjoon- Have a safe journey mom and dad 

With this, all of them left for their houses

Namjoon- So what did my Wifey do all this morning?

yn- I have enjoyed my time with mom and dad.

Namjoon- That's good

yn- I wanted to ask you something.

Want to know what happens next then do follow me.

Until then take care and ignore shit and negative energy (You deserve good people more than you think).

(This is purely fanfiction do not take this seriously and this is only for entertainment. This does not resemble the idol's life and is purely fictional.)

If you like my story then do vote. Thank you.


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