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Saturday March 14, 2015. (present)

"Hey Jo," I said as I walked into the office.

"Have a sit" he dryly replied

"well someone's in a mood" I said joking, still, with monotome voice

"I'm not in a mood, lets beggin" he said, well ok.

"where did we left?" I slowly asked, making pauses between words as I sat down in the chair.

"You spoke about how your mother died and how you ended up moving with your father." He replied while pulling his chair in front of me.

"Oh right, of how she abandonded me." I said as I let my hair fall down.

"It was a car accident Heather," he warned me, uhm.

"Anyways ... after my mother died we stayed in my father's appartment for about a month, then he found a house on sale in a town near a lake and we moved there." I said.

"When was that?" Joseph asked.

"Like first week of June of last year." I replied, "that day we left early in the morning, the ride was long, cold ... and quite, untill we got to the town,"

"What was the name of the town?" He asked cutting me off.

"Dudleytown," (( a/n: idk anything about this town i just needed a name)) I replied. "when we got there, I got chills; the houses were huge and old, the trees were creepy, the road had fissures and so did the houses, it was just so ... mournful." I said, I stayed quite and looked up to Joseph just in case he wanted to say something.

"Continue" he answered my thoughts.

[May 29, 2014 (past)

"We're here" my dad says as the gate that leads to the town opens. I can barely read the sign that say "Welcome to Dudleytown" because of the amount of dirt and faded letters that it has. I started noticing what of a creepy town this was; the houses are anthique and huge, the grass and trees are pale as if a dirt storm has covered it all.

"Lovely" Henry, my little brother, said.

"Dad this doesn't seem like a friendly place." Charles, my other little brother, added.

"You're goin to be fine son, you're gonna meet new people at school." My dad answered Charles' comment.

"School doesn't start until September dad" Henry said.

"Then you have 3 months to make new friends around the neighborhood." my dad said.

We keep passing houses and I'm wondering which one is the one my dad bought. The road is over and my dad stops in front of a gate, behind of it, a small hill with the crepiest house of all.

"Is this the house?" Charles asked

"Yes, do you like it?" My dad asked

"No" Charles answered

"I don't like this town dad" Henry said

"You're gonna like it, trust me son." My dad said as we parked in front of the house and got out of the car.

"Heather," my dad called me alone, "don't you have anything to say honey?"

"I'm okay dad," I replied

"You've been so quite"

"I just really miss mom" I said as warm tears start streaming down my face. My dad leads in to me and gives me a hug. "Everything will be okay sweetheart." He said as he ends the hug. "Go inside and pick a room" he added.

"Okay" I said. While I'm walking inside I can feel the chills running through my skin; this place scares me a lot.


I hear my brothers fighting upstairs so I start to climb stairs as fast as I can.

"Guys stop it!" I said as I got into the room.

"Tell him to get out!" Charles said,
"I GOT HERE FIRST!" Henry fights back. Suddenly, they start yelling at each other, I can barely understand what they're saying.

"Guys ... guys ... " I tried to cut them off but I couldn't. "STOP IT!" I yelled and I got their attention.
"You can't fight over a room, you guys are twins why don't you both stay in the same one?"

"What's wrong ?" My dad interrupts me steping inside the room.

"They're fighting over the room." I explain while crossing my arms.

"You know what guys, none of you is getting this room, this one is Heather's now, go get the other two left." My dad said.

"ok dad"
They said as they got out of the, well, my room now.

"Enjoy sweetheart" my dad said to me. I give him a nod and a small smile as if saying "thanks". He leaves the room and I'm wondering why everything here is so gloomy.

The door squeaks as I close it; the bed has an old white matress and the frame is wooden; the window had two glasses, one on top of the other; the closset is wooden as well and it has two doors; the walls' paint is cracking and the light bulb of the ceiling is almost falling.

"What a wealthy place" I whisper to myself.]


"I have so many doubts." Joseph said confused.

"What now?" I asked as I rolled my eyes.

"About your brothers ..." He started

"Whoops, seems like is time for me to leave. " I cut him off. "See you next Saturday ... Jo" I added as I stood up and grabbed my phone. Before I leave the office, I give him a quick wave and I quite "bye".



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