episode 5

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About one week layter from the day when Daniel were at hospital.
Tom and Daniel gotted home from hospital and Yn went to Her own house.
Daniel gotted sick days too because he was too weak to go daycare.

Tom: Hey Dan, what you wanna eat

Daniel were laying on sofa and watching disney movies from disney+.

Daniel: um maybe porrige and bread
Tom: okey *laugh*

Tom start made the porrige and bread for Daniel and then Tom heard a car park at he's yard.
Yn parked her car to Tom's yard.

{Yn's pov}

You parked your car to Yom's yard and closed the car's door.
You walked inside of Tom's house because you have keys at he's house.

Yn: Hey Dan, how are you?
Daniel: Hey Yn *he smiles* i'm good.
Yn: that is great to hear, Hey Tom *you smile*
Tom: Hey Yn, how are you?
Yn: I'm good, u?
Tom: i'm good too *smiles*

Yn walk to over Daniel and jumped beside of he

Yn: what are we watching
Daniel: Disney *smiles cutely*
Yn: do you know what. you look so freaking cute
*you start squeeze he's cheecks*
Daniel: *giggles*

{tom's mind:}

tom- she is so cute with him.. i cant wait to tell her that i love her more than friend because i do, she is so lovely and i know that she loves Daniel like her own son. uhhh- how did i get so lucky??

Yn and Daniel cuddled on Tom's couch and then Tom asked something about Yn.

Tom: Hey Yn? can i ask you something?
Yn: yeah sure
Tom: at outside
Yn: yeah, Dan i come back in min, ok?
Daniel: Okey *smiles*

Tom and Yn walked outside and Tom closed the door.

Tom: um.. so i looked you and Dan, and i wanted ask you on d- da- dat- date..?

Yn: yes..
Tom: i understand if you say no- wait..
Yn: i said yes *smiles*
Tom: you really do?
Yn: yes i really do, i have wated like many mounths.
Tom: why you haven't say anything?
Yn: because i gotted scared you don't like me that way *akward laugh*
Tom: Yn, *he tooked Yn hands* i do like you more than friend *he looks deep in your eyes*
Tom: you habe gorgeus eyes
Yn: and you have do

Tom tooked your cheecks and looked deep in your eyes again.
Tom were about kiss you on lips but Sam just drived at Tom's yard and saw you two.


Yn and Tom giggled and Sam walked toward you two.

Sam: how long did you guys took to realize that you two like each other?
Tom: really long.. but i'm so happy right now
Yn: I am too

You and Tom hugged.

sorry for that this part update tooked SO SO SO SO long.. but here it is haha


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