Chapter One - A Faithful Attack

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The world of Remnant is a dangerous place, particularly for man. In the countless years that humanity has roamed the planet, civilizations have grown and fallen. But five have withstood the test of time: Atlas (North), Mistral (East), Vacuo (West), Vale (Center), Iolcus (South). These five kingdoms, with the help of natural barriers and human tenacity, have proven that they have the will to survive. In the aftermath of the Great War, Iolcus has lived in relative peace. In the years following the death of his father, Jason has become King of Iolcus. For five years, Jason ruled Iolcus in peace and harmony. During that time, he had been engaged to the beautiful Princess Alceme of Vacuo. On the day of the Royal Wedding, a mysterious figure infiltrates the palace with a group of armed mercenaries. As they move through the palace, the Royal Wedding commences in the Iolcus Mausoleum. Among those in attendance is renowned Huntsman and close friend to Jason, Hercules. As the mercenaries got into position, the mysterious figure sets up a position on a balcony overlooking the Mausoleum. The assassin smirks as he prepares a dark concoction and dips his arrow in them. As he aims, Jason speaks his vows. 

Jason: Alceme, this I vow to you. I will love you forever, in this live and the next, I promise you. 

Before Alceme could speak her vows, an arrow flies past Jason and hits Alceme in the chest. 

Alceme: Jason.....

Alceme collapses into Jason's arms. She looks into his eyes as she dies in his arms. Jason looks to the balcony just as the assassin begins firing. Jason grabs his shield and blocks the arrows. Jason looks at Alceme's body with mournful eyes. His grief soon turns to rage as he rushes into battle with Hercules following him. Meanwhile on the balcony, the assassin continues to fire at Jason when he was attacked by two Iolcan Guards. He turns and shoots one of them in the throat before jumping down. He then gives the signal for the mercenaries to begin their attack. All of Iolcus was under attack. In the midst of this attack, Jason chases after the assassin into the courtyard where he and Hercules were attacked by a squadron of mercenaries. He disarms one of them and kills him with his own spear. He and Hercules proceed to kill the mercenaries with ease. Suddenly, screaming was heard.

Jason: The training room! 

Jason and Hercules run to the training room where mercenaries were attacking the trainers. Jason throws his spear at one of the mercenaries, sending him over the balcony. He then turns to one of the trainers. 

Jason: A Sword!

The trainer then rushes to one of the swords and hands it to Jason. When a mercenary attempts to attack Jason, Hercules steps in and uses his superhuman strength to tear the man in half. Once the training room was cleared, Jason and Hercules make their way to the balcony. Jason then jumps the gap to get to the next area. Hercules looks over the gap and was unable to make the jump.

Hercules: I'll circle around! Meet you at the front! 

As Jason and Hercules split up, Jason battles against the mercenaries while chasing the assassin. 

Mercenary Captain: He doesn't leave the room! Kill the King!

As the mercenaries attacked Jason, the Iolcan King fought his his sword and shield. Despite their best efforts, the mercenaries were unable to kill Jason. Soon enough, Jason fights his way through the mercenaries until he reaches the Royal Courtyard where Captain Idas and a group of Iolcon Guards fend off the mercenaries.

Jason: Captain Idas!

Idas: Protect the King!

A fierce battle broke out between the Iolcon Guards and the mercenaries. Jason uses his Semblance to boost the battle prowess of his men, allowing them to triumph over the mercenaries. Once the battle ended, Jason spoke to the wounded Idas.

Idas: He's a Blacktongue, Jason!

Jason: Stay here, Idas. 

Idas: Men, leave me! Go with the King! Protect him with your lives!

The Iolcan Guards obeyed their captain's words as they followed Jason into battle. As Jason led his men in driving the mercenaries out of Iolcus, he spots the assassin. The assassin fires his bow and arrow. 

Iolcan Guard: King Jason!

The Iolcant Guard steps in front of Jason and takes the arrow to the throat. As the guard dies, Jason takes his Mace and chases after the assassin. Meanwhile, the assassin closes in on the exit. But as he was about to reach the exit, his path to escape was blocked by Hercules. 

Hercules: You're not done here.

The assassin pulls out his bow and fires several arrows at Hercules. However, the arrows hit Hercules's armor. The assassin attempts to turn around, but Harcules grabs him by throat and throws him hear a fountain. As the assassin attempts to get up, Jason smacks the assassin in the face with his shield, knocking him back against the fountain. As Jason readies the mace, the assassin laughs. 

Assassin: I follow your the next world. 

As Jason raises the mace at the assassin, the assassin continues to mock Jason. 

Assassin: The Blacktongues.....shall rise again!

Fueled by anger and grief over Alceme's death, Jason strikes the assassin's head with his mace. The first strike kills the assassin instantly. But Jason doesn't stop as he keeps hitting the assassin's head over and over again until nothing was left. 

Hercules:'s over.....

As Jason relents, he rallies his troops to fight back the mercenaries. Though the mercenaries were defeated, the damage was done. In that moment, the Blacktongues had announced their return. 

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