New point of view

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Macy Pov

I have just finished a day of work selling houses, I really enjoy my job, I soon get home where my roommate is cooking.

Mitch: Hey Macy food is cooking

Mitch is my twin brother and he cooks for me before he goes to work he does mainly evening shifts at the moment but he is also on call most of the day just incase his team is needed see he is a swat member which I don't properly agree with, I do not like gun.

Mitch: Macy food also I have the night off so what about movie night, 

Me: Oo can we go to the cinema 

We eat dinner then go to the cinema where I see the most handsome guy I seen ever with other males and a baby wonder if the baby is his, suddenly he turned and looked at me his face looked confused then sad.

Rocky's Pov

My Dads have convinced me to go to the cinema when I do I smell the most amazing scent and my wolf say mate round here to which I remind him Jasmine died, my wolf just replies second chance mate, I turn and see this beautiful girl wait did I just call another girl beautiful no I just buried my wife two months ago.

Dad R: Son you ok

Me: My second chance mate is here but I just buried my wife

Dad R: I know but the goddess knows what shes doing

Me: I know

Dad R: Go talk to her

So I do

Me: Hi sorry I thought you were beautiful and I wanted to come talk to you

Mate: Hi I thought you were handsome and wanted to talk to you but didn't have the courage 

We carried on talking I learnt her name was Macy we exchanged numbers but soon we had to go into the movie but it turned out it was the same on and we were sat together, I learnt the guy with her was her twin.

Noah: Dada

Me: Did you just call me Dada

Macy: Oh I didn't relise you had a baby 

Me: Sorry I should have told you

I could feel her disappointment, my dad mindlinks me " tell her about your wife"

Me: Yes Macy he is my son but his mother my wife passed away at birth

Macy Sorry for your lost

Me: No it's ok she use to hate that saying

The movie starts and I could feel her head on my shoulder, soon the movie ends but I notice she has fallen asleep, I turn to Mitch

Me: Mitch I will carry her to your car

Mitch: We walked 

Me: I can give you both a lift home 

Mitch: If your sure

Dad R: We are sure saves you from waking her

Mitch: Thank god I hate waking her

That is exactly what I did, I took them home.

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