Briarwood Acadame

115 5 2

Entry Number One.


My name is Luna, but everyone just calls me Tigress. I am 5'4, and of a well muscled build. I am flexible and strong. I have long Red hair, that I always have in a ponytail. I have pale skin, and freckles that cover from under my eyes, all the way over the bridge of my nose. The reason people call me tigress, is because at Briarwood Academe, Tigers are considered to be strong and powerful. I, being the undefeated kendo, martial artist, soccer playing horseback riding, and ass kicking, girl I am, fit the description. My only problem is my social life. I have no friends. Yep. None.

I also have parents that think I am worthless, even though I get top grades. The reason people ignore me is because of my ADHD. I have one of the worst cases ever. I cant stop jumping around, and i cannot focus on any one thing for more than five minutes, (Unless it is something physical) And if anything , the fact that i have no friends (at this point in time. I am going to change that tomorrow.) only adds to my disorder.

Whelp, I better go to bed. I mean tomorrow is the first day of high school. Cant be late.

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