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Rain was humming to himself in satisfaction as he mixed food dye into frosting. Smiling, he used the spoon to play with the swirls of color before he had it an even bright pink. Why he thought bright pink would be a good color for the cake he wasn't sure but he knew he wanted happy colors. Bright pink would be fun.

P'Phayu had been tired and stressed for the past week. The architecture firm had a huge project that had run into difficulties. The garage had been suddenly inundated with people wanting their high end motorcycles serviced by the one and only P'Phayu. Add those two together and his man was working long hard hours.

Rain decided he wanted to baby him a bit more than average. Sky, the ever practical, had suggested a good homemade meal. Together, they had picked out a menu P'Phayu would like and Rain felt he had a decent shot of being able to make.

The idea of a cake was courtesy of Master Chef Australia. While watching it to bolster his confidence that cooking was indeed a possible task, he saw a contestant make a cake. The light bulb went off.

'Who doesn't like cake?' he thought. Right! Cake for dessert!

It took him awhile to find an easy enough recipe and he had rushed out the minute P'Phayu left to buy all the ingredients for the meal in a fever of excitement. He had carefully picked the color and decided vanilla frosting would be tasty on a banana cake.

Once he was home, he started on the cake. Rain didn't normally cook so it took no time for him to make a mess. Flour smeared onto his cheek and liberally spread across the counter.

'I'll just clean that up later.' he thought to himself as he enthusiastically stirred the ingredients.

It took him longer than he thought it would but finally, there were two round pans in the oven. He smiled proudly. P'Phayu was going to love this!!

He impatiently watched and waited as the cake baked, half-heartedly cleaning the kitchen between anxious peeks through the window in the oven door. By the time the timer dinged, most of the flour was up but he still didn't know about the flour on his face.

He let the cakes sit for a minute to cool before he tipped them out on to the racks. In his excitement over his project, he had missed the "cool completely then frost" part of the directions. He immediately stacked them on to the cute white pedestal he'd found to serve the cake on.

They didn't sit quite right because they had domed a bit in the middle but with his enthusiasm for baking running amok, he pushed down on them to smoosh them into place. At least it wasn't wobbling anymore.

He picked up his bright pink happy frosting and began to slather it on liberally. Only problem was frosting melts on warm cake. It was sliding down the side and beginning to run off the pedestal.

As he turned to grab a paper towel, his elbow smacked into the pedestal tipping it.


P'Phayu was done. He had told his brother the next bike could wait. He was going home, taking a shower and cuddling his darling.

Quietly, he opened his front door and closed it. A soft sigh of relief as he closed out the world. He slipped off his shoes and socks enjoying the cool of the tiles on his feet. Wiggling his toes with a small smile until he heard


coming out of the kitchen.

He leapt toward the entrance to the great room when he saw Rain wrestling with a cake. A bright pink slightly lopsided cake was being held by Rain. Not the pedestal it should have been on but the cake itself.

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