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Jungkook returned to his parents's house around twelve in the afternoon.When he woke up in the morning Taehyung took him on a tour of their house.When it was time for breakfast Jungkook discovered that there wasn't any food in the house.

The omega immediately got upset because he couldn't handle the hunger.He was eating for two after all and staying hungry was a crime.Taehyung offered to take the younger out for breakfast.He promised he would take him somewhere nice.They got ready and left the house.On their way Taehyung gave Jungkook the spare keys of his house.It would surely come in handy someday.

After breakfast they went to the hospital and Jungkook had a thorough check up.Once that was out of the way he dropped the omega at the agency.Hoseok and Yoongi were the first to get the wedding news.They really weren't surprised to hear this.They were really happy for him and wished him the best.At this point Jungkook didn't want a lot of people to know about this.What if the wedding doesn't end up happening.

"So when is the wedding?"Mrs Jeon asked as soon as she saw Jungkook .

"What wedding mom?"Jungkook was shocked that his mother knew about this already.Who on earth had told her.

Mrs Jeon pulled the omega by the ear"I'm your mother.Weren't you supposed to tell me first "

Jungkook winced in pain"Whom did I tell what?"

"I wasn't supposed to hear it from Taehyung"Mrs Jeon complained.

"He told you?I wonder who else he has told"

"You got engaged.I'm so happy for you.What did you do to him?"Mrs Jeon asked

"I didn't do anything to him.I just told him that we have to get married for our child.I didn't beg him"

"However it happened..I'm glad that you two are going to get married.We should celebrate this important occasion"

"Not yet.You can't celebrate until I meet Taehyung's father.He could just turn out to be my worst nightmare"

"Oh come on.He is no lion.Just be positive.Taehyung will always be there for you"

"I know he will.I just hope that Taehyung doesn't change when we get married.What if he easily gets tired of me.We have been together for the longest"

"Are you getting cold feet?"

"I'm not.Who am I.Am I not your son"

"Aren't you going to show your mother your ring"

"Can we sit down first"

Jungkook removed his ring and gave it to his mother to study it.It was a diamond one with a shape of a teardrop and two clusters of tiny sapphires on each side.

"Its beautiful.It must have been quite expensive"

"Tae said it was.Do you know what else is beautiful mom"

"Tell me"

".Our house...I mean Taehyung's house.I forgot to take pictures mom.It's my dream home built on an estate.I really can't wait to move in with him"

"What are you waiting for?"Mrs Jeon asked

"I have to deal with his father first.I can't let my hopes up just yet"

"I have an idea that can get you in a good mood"


"An engagement party"

"Without his father?Bad idea.He will come and kill me"

"How about a house warning party then?"

"That's a great idea mom.I will talk to Tae about it"

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