Chapter 27

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Voices kept echoing through the room as Maejin opened her eyes annoyed at Minho "it's 6 am can you please watch your dramas some other time" she groaned pulling the pillow over her head.

"You only have 30 minutes sleep left anyway" he responded laughing at the series "and how can you even eat this early?" She faced him who ate pudding.

"You want a bite?" He was ready to hand a spoon to her not taking his eyes of the phone screen. "No thanks" she turned around again grabbing with her arm his phone turning it off "hey! It's not my fault you aren't a morning person" he complained putting his pudding down.

"Give it back" he whined "no" Maejin mumbled pulling the phone to her. "Maejin-ahhh" he basically threw himself over the almost sleeping girl trying to get his phone back that she had placed under herself.

"Where is it?" He upset asked "gone" she answered "fine if you insist me to do it" he started "do what?" Her confusion was overtaken by him starting to tickle her. "StOoOp" she begged almost not being able to not laugh.

He sat himself fully over her not stopping at all while giggling like a 5 year old. "Minhoo" she finally moved to the side making it able for him to take his phone back "ha", "Wow now I'm fully awake... but" she wrapped her hands around his torso dragging him down so she could fully hug him.

He was surprised at her actions, but soon gave in letting his head rest on her shoulder "hm you are warm" she mumbled pulling him closer "Didn't you say you were fully awake" he complained, but still let her hug him without hesitations.

"You know how fast I change my opinion" she said. The warmth of the boy gave her the feeling of comfort and home and she felt like never letting him go.

"You know I won't replace you right? I told you I'd stay" she made the boy go soft real quick "hm I know" he answered starting to close his eyes.


"Can you do that for me Maejin?" Bang Chan asked with hope in his eyes to which the girl slowly nodded.

"You know you won't be alone, Beomgyu will stay connected with you all the time" he explained taking her worry away "Yeah I know, you can put trust in me" she nodded.

"What does he want you to do?" Minho approached her wanting Maejin to repeat it "one of Yong-sun's gang members will be in a night club today, he will will meet up with a girl and apparently does that quite often. Bang Chan send me going instead, it'll be a way of fooling him so I can take him with me behind the building. Few of our team will be waiting there to take him" She fully explained it more detailed.

"Why is he giving you tasks which include men again... I don't like this" he mumbled "I know... don't worry I'll make it fast" she took his hand in hers "I will come with you, I will only watch from far away and take care if something gets out of control" he insisted.

"Forget it, it's too dangerous. You are the one they are searching" She quickly said "It could be also dangerous for you, what if he hurts you?" He gave her a worried look "why would he, we are at a public place and if so then they are instantly there to help me. We are all connected to every camera. You don't need to, it'll be better if no one knows that you are here hm?" She tilted her head a bit.

"Fine" he gave in just like he always does.

"Do you feel prepared for this though?" "Bang chan explained everything in detail, and I don't have to fight him anyway, right?" She questioned "well... probably not. But, what will you do with him?"

"Keep him distracted and .... you know just what they other girl might've done. But I'll manage to fastly get him outside" she answered "that means he will touch you.. will you be okay with that?" He frowned "Minho it's okay I got this. What could possibly go wrong?"

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