Escaping Neverland

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Written by Angel E. Wright

"You can't be serious, Jared. That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard for a breakup."

I glare at him from across the table, trying as hard as I can to keep the rage, humiliation, and embarrassment in my voice to a minimum, but from the looks and whispers of the other patrons at the restaurant, I'm not doing a very good job.

"Baby, please, don't make a scene," he says as he tries to reach for my hand.

Yanking it back, I press both hands on the table and lean in. "You break up with me on my 25th birthday, at a dinner you planned, and you have the nerve to beg me not to make a scene?!" My entire body is shaking at this point as my fisted knuckles turn white. "Are you actually insane, Jared?!"

Before he can respond, our waiter approaches the table. "Excuse me, is there a problem here?"

"No, there's no problem here," I say with a sweet smile as I rise from the table. "Just my asshole boyfriend—I mean—ex-boyfriend giving me a birthday present I'll never forget."

Jared lowers his head in shame as the waiter gives him a once over.

"But don't worry, like any good birthday girl, I'll make sure he gets his goodie bag." I grab my glass of red wine and throw it at him, laughing inwardly as the crimson liquid drips down his face and stains his crisp white shirt. "Go to hell, Jared."

Without a second glance back, I march out of that restaurant, my favourite restaurant, with my head held high, though I feel like I'm dying inside. The lack of commotion behind me lets me know that Jared couldn't care less about my feelings and is most certainly not running out after me.

The tears start to fall the moment the cool air caresses my face. How could he do this to me? We've been together for 3 years and he just ended it like it meant absolutely nothing to him. Hugging my chest tight, I walk away from the restaurant, keeping my tear-filled eyes peeled for the next cab to take me home. With each step, memories of my time with Jared flit across my mind like some sick, twisted interpretive dance. Our first date, the first time we said we loved each other, meeting the parents, our first time making love. Each memory now tainted with how casually and callously he tossed me to the side for no good reason.

I have no idea how long I've been walking for, but when I finally look around, I'm blocks and blocks away from the restaurant and in a part of town I haven't been in. It looks like part of the business district; numerous skyscrapers with modern architecture complete this concrete jungle. The sun has gone down, the wind has picked up, and I realize I'm now shivering from the cold rather than shaking with anger. My eyes are drawn to a small lounge across the street, and I hurry over to it, hoping for some respite from the cold and a phone to call a cab.

"Welcome to Tink and Hook's Lounge," a kind looking bartender says as I take a seat on a stool at the bar. "What're you havin'?"

"A gin and tonic, please."

As the bartender goes off to prepare my drink, the weight of my breakup hits me again and I let the tears flow. This totally blindsided me. I thought Jared and I were on the same page about our relationship, and I never expected him to break up with me over something so stupid.

"It's not often I have a pretty girl in my lounge crying over a gin and tonic. Is it not to your liking?"

Turning to face the stranger who dares to interrupt my wallowing, my breath hitches in my throat. Before me is the most beautiful man I have ever seen. He's not particularly tall, about average height, but his eyes sparkle with a playful and mischievous glint. His lips curve into a cocky grin as he watches me stare at him with no shame.

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