Chapter 1

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Book 3: Terror Firma
Written by: Reiko Ayanami

Nonami and Usoko were both blindfolded and being walked down a narrow hallway, having just exited an elevator after a rather long upwards ride. They did not know for sure exactly where they were headed, they had only been told to trust the person now leading them, something they both did without much fuss.

"Alright, stop," said their guide, and both girls did just that. There was the sound of a key unlocking, and a door opening. "Alrighty girls, you can take em off!"

Usoko did not need any further invitation, ripping the fabric away! In front of her was her cousin, Sakura Tachibana, holding open the door of the apartment building's penthouse??

"Whoa don't tell me," said a shocked Usoko, "You're not giving this to us??"

Sakura nodded with a smile, her foxlike eyes narrowed warmly.
"It's yours. Honestly, I haven't been able to get anyone to rent the darn thing, but I figured you and your friends could use a clubhouse for all your Ultra Top Secret Shenanigans!!"

Usoko just rolled her eyes. She still could not believe she had accidentally let Sakura in on the secret. Well, to be fair, it was more Kuroko's new pet who had. "Chupa-Chan", as the bespectacled pinkette had named her little Chupacabra friend, was an escapee from the science department of GARDNA who had been analyzing him to figure out how he was so small. Fortunately though, his diminutive form was what enabled him to be kept safely in the apartment alongside Mr. Fuzzy, the pet goat Chupa-Chan occasionally fed from. The two had an... uneasy alliance, to be sure. Regardless, the fact that Sakura was giving them the penthouse?? That was beyond awesome, and the girl rushed to give her cousin a big hug.

"Thank you so much, Sakura!!"

While they were hugging it out, Nonami had entered the large empty living room and was in the process of examining it, taking mental notes it seemed.

"This is very kind of you, Ms. Tachibana," she said, turning back to the teal-haired woman who was twirling her hair, "But with your permission, I'll need to make a few... improvements."

"Like what, exactly?" She asked, eyeballing the Vampire. Sakura did not completely trust Nonami just yet, the fact that she just happened to be Usoko's great-aunt seemed a bit too convenient for Sakura's liking, but she was a friend of Usoko's so she would at least tolerate her.

"Well, for starters the windows will have to be replaced with UV cancelling glass. As a Vampire, sunlight is deadly to me, but by canceling out the ultraviolet spectrum, it's as harmless as an exceptionally bright flashlight."

Sakura pondered that for a moment before nodding her head in agreement. It made enough sense to her, she guessed.

"Alright, fair enough. Can't have you dying on me. But how much is that gonna cost, exactly?"

Nonami shook her head, smiling disarmingly.
"No no, don't worry. Any and all upgrades or remodels will be on my dime and up to code, I assure you."

"Well in that case, I have a few other requests I'd like to make if you're upgrading my building!" She laughed softly. Nonami just rolled her eyes.

Usoko was already on her phone, texting Emiko the good news. She and Emiko had taken their relationship to the next level recently, just after the Breakout Crisis, and were now going steady as girlfriends. Though in all honesty, not much had really changed between them, save for the now-constant handholding and occasional cheek kisses. They were already so close that, in hindsight, they realized they were already practically a couple.
Nonami too was soon on her phone, calling Lydia to let her know of the development, and to make the construction requests to make the penthouse/clubhouse more... safe.

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