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jason yoru{arnice's son from azure night} x vermeil

jason:{out all demons why i deal with this one..and this situalation}

jason moan as vermeil tail wrap aroud his member while vermeil suck it and lick as she have her entrace right an front of his face

vermeil:come on you already pre arm and i can test you pre cum~

jason keep moan and groan as vermeil use her legs to put jason's face right an front her entrace as he begin to lick at it while vermeil moan

vermeil:awww yes like that~!!

both keep goin and soon both are close

jason:i gonnad cum!!

vermeil:me too!!~

both finally came an each others faces as both drink they juices

vermeil:sooo tasty~*look at her as her eyes glow red*i want more~

jason:{oh no}


jason was pin to the bed as vermeil was on top of him ride his member as she moan an lot

vermeil:aww yes you dick is soo big and thicc!!~

jason moan as he begin to trust upward while grope vermeil breast make her moan more and move faster

soon jason was close

jason:i cumming again!!!

vermeil:inside me!!!~

jason finally came inside her

jason finally came inside her

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she finally came as jason came isnide her an lot cause to overflow as some cum leak out from her entrace

vermeil:soo much..soo warm~*look at jason and kiss him*you are the one who i will stay

jason:eh like all the time?

vermeil:yeah~ and have an ton of sex..and i can tell you have an lot of endurance..soo another round~

jason:{oh shit}


it was 4 days as both finally done as vermeil fell an top of jason

vermeil:soo tired..but i soo happy...good night 

she kiss jason and fell sleep

jason:*pant*what i get myseft into..but then again..i love it...guess i wait and see..that if i have the energy to live

he fell sleep

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