A world after Naruto where chakra evolved into quirks the Nara clan one of if not the last clan that still knows about the ancient chakra has adapted to a word without it and the the next head of the family although lazy chooses the path of a hero t...
It was now the following Friday of the first week of school. Over the week class 1-a has gotten to know each other and has met almost all of their teachers m, they were just missing meeting their heroics teacher. Their were rumors going around that all might would be their teacehr but then agian those were rumors or were they?
Kirishima-" this place is manly!!! I hope our final teacehr is just as manly!!!"
Katsumi- in an annoyed tone " is everything manly to you?? Cause if so I can blast you to Saturn so you CAN FINALLY SHIT THE FUCK UP!!!"
Izuku-sighed " such a drag wake me up when class is over!" As he was laying down someone slamed the door open yelling
Izuku-" Oh COME ON!!!!" He threw a note book at All might " some of us are trying to sleep!!!!!"
All might- after getting a notebook thrown at him he was confused but continued none the less "I AM YOUR HEROICS TECAHER OR HERO 101 In this class you'll learn the fundamentals of heroics!!!!" When he said this almost everyone in class was super exited and cheered. " now what are hero's without the outfits " he said pressing a button and a bunch of suit cases popped out the wall " now then everyone please get changed and meet me in the observation room!!" He said while striking a pose.
Mini time skip
As everyone came out they complimented each other on their hero outfits.
All might- " they say the outfit makes the man and woman but this sertainly proves it you all look like incredible hero's!!!"
Uraraka-" hey uhhh where's Nara kun ?!?"
Izuku " looking for me??" He said dropping down from the ceiling while everyone turned to look at where his voice was coming from.
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Only for uraraka and katsumi to blush.
All might- confused " how'd you get up their??"
Izuku- "good question but since school is about learning and figuring stuff out figure it out yourself !" He said while yawing
All might- sighed " okay then now that everyone's here let's begin!!" He said while pulling out a tiny note book fillies with instruction " students will be placed into teams of two and evenly decided between villains and hero's the goal of todays exercise is to get you all used to fighting in your hero outfits and get a feeling of a real fight! For the hero's the goal will be capturing a fake bomb or to capture the villains and for the villains is to defeat the hero's or by time until the timer goes off indicating the bomb going off!"
Lida - raised his hand " sir how will we be decided into teams and why are we going to be fighting indoors???" He said stricktly.
All might- "uhhhh well you see if you see it statistically majority of the time hero fights acure inside a buildings or back ally's it is our jobs as hero's to be prepared for encounters in tight spaces like this one! As for how we will decide is by a game of chance since most of the time hero team ups happen at the spurt of the moment not getting the opportunity to choose who you want to work with!!"