Chapter 40 (Anthony)

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          My aunt and uncle did the house up nice for this baby shower they decided to throw Giana. Everybody was an asshole about her being pregnant and now suddenly everyone's on board. Hey, I'd rather it that way. Giana needs that.

    The color scheme was baby green and yellow, gender neutral colors. They had all types of shit done up. I spent most of my time outside though. I was with the guys and a couple of the girls out on the terrace furniture. It's gray wicker, cushioned, and has an umbrella over the mat below us to shade us from the sun. 

Fancy type lawn furniture. I don't know what it's all called.

        It was fucking weird watching Lexi be introduced to everyone. She's going to slowly integrate into our group and it feels bizarre. I thought it was kinda awkward when I started seeing Mia around after we broke things off, but this is worse. I guess because it's a secret and because she's promised to my cousin. For me it feels worse having that hook up haunt me more than Mia.

 And how fucking crazy is it that Mia and Lexi fucking know each other!? If this is fate it's working over time.

       The baby shower had wound down and most people left already. I was still outside with a few of the guys and a bottle of whiskey between us. Some were smoking their second cigar of the night. 

"So what do you think about my wife?" Enzo spoke up between the crossing of conversations around the circle. Everyone looked over at him. "One free pass" he gave them permission to speak less than respectfully.

    "She's fucking gorgeous. Those lips...Oh Enzo, you're gonna get premium blowies for life" Bianchi spoke up first and cackled like a fool. I grit my teeth at the comment for whatever reason. I guess because I've felt those lips around my cock and now I won't anymore, and maybe he will some day. 

Would Lexi fuck him? I mean they're getting married. They'll eventually give in to the physical aspect while living in close quarters. Or maybe they'll end up actually liking each other, and grow actual feelings...Don't know how I feel about that either.

        Lucky Lombardo leaned forward until one elbow rested on one knee and he pulled the cigar away from his mouth to speak. "I heard Russian chicks fuck like porn stars. She's gorgeous alright." The guys were laughing and all started making comments. 

Beautiful, sexy, a knockout, 'fuck me' lips, a model wifey. All types of comments. A lot of them dirty, talking about slipping it to her, bending her this way, fucking her face that way. Guy stuff.

     "Rizzo, you're awfully fucking quiet. You jealous of his hot wife? Worried you can't bag a good one" one of the guys fucked with me. I flipped him off. I had to play this off because I was being uncharacteristically quiet.

"If and when I get a wife it sure as hell won't be arranged. And she'll actually want me. Good luck, man. A model wife who won't touch you with a ten foot pole" I nudged him. He chuckled and the guys got revved up, building off of that comment.

     "But Enzo, really, isn't it fucking weird to have an arranged marriage? Are you just gonna cheat on her every day and ignore her or fucking date the chick?" a drunk Georgie asked him. Enzo rubbed the back of his neck and took another swig of his drink.

"Fuck if I know man. Of course it's fucking weird, but the promotion wasn't one I could say no to. Ya know? The rest I'll figure out once the Petrov's are off American soil. They'd try and kill me if I fucked around on the girl while they're around to see it" he told him.

      "I don't know, man. If a father and brother's are willing to give the girl as a fucking contract then I don't think they give a fuck about her. Right?" Alessandro had heavy low lids from the drinks piling up on him. He was leaning back with that fucking toothpick he's always fiddling with. 

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