Rosé: Yyeap then they are came in Stwarberry farm and take lots of Stwarberries
Lisa: I think that is enough for them
YN: Yeah, so let's go to farmhouse
Rosé: Yeah sure Rosé enter in farmhouse when Jungkook asked her
Jungkook: Where did u go Rosé
Rosé: I went to the garden
Jungkook: Where is Lisa and YN
Rosé: I don't know he asked that bcuz he can't see Lisa and YN bcuz only Rosé enter from front door but Lisa and YN enter from back door bcuz they can't show the Stwarberry to him
Jungkook: Ok u can go
Rosé: Ok oppa 😅
Lisa and YN in kitchen made a Stwarberry cake for Taehyung bcuz today is his birthday
The cake:-
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YN: I think Taehyung like this cake
Lisa: No he not like this cake, he love this cake
YN: Yes😊
Rosé: Hye is cake ready
Lisa: Shhh slowly, yes cake is ready
YN: Look at the cake so beautiful
Rosé: Yes, can i taste it
Lisa/YN: No!
Rosé: Okok don't stout on me
YN: Wait
Lisa: What happen
YN: where is Tae's gift
Lisa: We can't buy any gift for Taehyung
Rosé: Don't worry i have a gift for him
Lisa: What
Rosé: Taehyung's grandmother picture bcuz he loves his grandmother
YN: Aww so sweet gift
Taehyung in his bedroom when someone knock on the door he open the door and saw
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Taehyung: What are u doing here at this time
Lisa: Ahhh close your eyes
Taehyung: Why?
Lisa: Don't ask questions just close your eyes
Taehyung: Ok
Lisa/Rosé/YN:Now open your eyes, HAPPY BIRTHDAY🎉
Taehyung: Wow thanks this cake is so beautiful and my favourite Stwarberry cake
YN: We have another thing for u
Taehyung: What?
Rosé: close your eyes
Taehyung: Okay
Rosé: Open
Taehyung: My grandmother's picture he said that in low and soft torn then he started crying
YN: Aww Tae don't cry
Taehyung: I miss my grandma, thank u so much for that
Lisa: Now stop crying and cut the cake when Mr Jeon, Mrs Jeon, Jungkook and Iu enter in his bedroom
Mr and Mrs Jeon: HAPPY BIRTHDAY Taehyung 💜
Jungkook: Happy birthday bro
Iu: Happy birthday this is for u
Taehyung: Thank u everyone for everything
Lisa: No thanks only cut the cake i wanted too eat it everyone start laughing
Taehyung: Yeah yeahh why not
Mr Jeon: So Rosé what is your future plans
Rosé: Dad i went to be a kpop idol
Mr Jeon: Good and Lisa
Lisa: Like Rosé kpop idol
Mr Jeon: Great and YN
YN: I'll think then tell u tomorrow
————————————————— AUTHOR NOTICE~
Hi guys how are u i hope u like this story if u like it so give it a vote and next part coming soon.