Chapter 1

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Hitch trotted up to the sheriff station of Maretime bay humming along as he saw  Mcsnips alot clicking his way towards him with frantic clicking 

Hitch smiled and said:" A Mcsnips alot I'm glad your here did u see the others around I was about to ask them...

 Mcsnips alot frantically clicking his crab claws 

Hitch raised a eyebrow and said:" woah woah slow down what going on 

Mcsnips alot started clicking and Hitch was nodding his head and said:" I see their at Zephyr Heights to find Zipp but she not their and said she was practice flying at the ...mountains!

Mcsnips alot nodded his head 

Hitch gasped and said:" oh my pony I put that place off because it was dangerous for the high winds that's coming thanks Mcsnips alot I go over their as quick as I can 

Hitch turns around and race towards the mountains 

*Mountains *

Zipp was took a deep breath as she looks down she felt the wind in her mane she closed her eyes and was about to jump but Hitch called out Zipp stop you'll get hurt 

Zipp sighed and said:" Hitch I'm fine I did everything right and I double check it trust me 

Hitch went up to her and said:" Zipp stop  you know that I put a sign to stop ponies to the the top plus I check the winds they are going to get worst here in moments

Zipp rolled her eyes and said:" just watch me  sheriff 

Hitch saw Zipp  jumps off and opened her wings as she was gliding Hitch frowned and said:" Zipp stop I'm telling you that you get hurt trust me on this 

Zipp ignored him and flap her wings she smiled at this she finally did it 

Hitch heard hoofsteps running towards him he saw Sunny and Pipp racing towards him as Pipp said:" you found her 

Hitch nodded his head and said:" yeah she over here and if we don't get out she* massive wind storm coming *

Hitch Yelled:" the storm is here she needs to get out before she...

Hitch saw Zipp being pushed back she groaned and then she was pushed back she yelled out as she was pushed back and landed on a Boulder and she hissed in pain 

Hitch , Sunny , and Pipp went to her Hitch saw her leg forming a bruise he knew her leg is probably sprained so he said:" we need her to be back at the station so we can bandage up her leg 

Zipp groaned and said:" I'm fine * puts her injured leg down * gah

Hitch sternly told her: don't put pressure on it here get on my back

Hitch leaned forward and Zipp grumbled but got on his back as Sunny and Pipp follow after him back to maretime bay

Outside Sherriff station 

Izzy was walking in as she saw Sunny and Pipp waiting outside she asked:" did something happened while I was at the tower

Pipp sighed and said:" Zipp was doing her dangerous flying techniques and well she sprained her leg 

Sunny said worriedly:' I hope Zipp ok she took that hit pretty hard 

Pipp looks at Sunny and said:" I'm worried of Hitch he seemed pretty fumed at her not listing with him and all 

Izzy blowed raspberries and said:" Hitch can't be that mad right

Pipp and Sunny looked at here in a are you serious look at Izzy they jumped as Zipp yelled out:" What do you mean no flying

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