Chapter 7

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Scarlett's POV

"Love?" Peter whispered. I hum a respond and got kissed. The kiss lasted a few minutes and I pulled away and looked deep into Peter's eyes.

"We are getting our daughter back." I said with a smile.

I knew we already had our daughter. But She needed to know her father without dying.

He nodded and gave me a peck on the lips and we walked out of the treehouse and to the campsite.

Peter's POV

I had no idea if we could really get Leyla back. Thinking about what she said, made me think of the time I first help Leyla in my arms. Just a small little girl sleeping with random smiles every now and then. I remembered when Leyla would cry in the middle of the night making either Scarlett or myself to check on her. I remember Felix looking at her like she was his own daughter and him telling me that he will do his best as an uncle. I think about her having my eyes. A mini Scarlett with my eyes. 

I looked at Leyla who was talking to Devin and Scarlett walking towards me. "Let's talk to the heroes." She said calmly.

We walked towards the group of adults talking to one another. We talked about ways to fix this wretched curse.

(And this)

Regina: Well look who finally showed up.

Peter: Oh shut up Regina!

Scarlett: Sorry if we were too busy with the boys. (note the sarcasm)

Charming: Okay let's not argue.

M.M: Yeah Let's find a way to save Leyla.

Hook: Well technically we just need to break this curse.

Regina: Which one? Having to be bound to Neverland or getting to know your father without dying?

Scarlett: The second one.


The long discussion narrowed us down to....nothing. Although Scarlett kept an optimistic face, I knew she was sure Leyla would never knew me for who I am.

After the discussion, I went back to playing music and watching the boys dance while they become back vocals of Scarlett's songs.

The night ended quickly and Scarlett was in the treehouse while I round up the boys for bed. I walked into the treehouse and saw Scarlett sitting in the bay window in our room.

"Hello Love," I joked and got her attention.

She turned to me with a blood bag in her mouth. I looked at her and smiled. She looked glum and tired. I have never seen her tired. She was always so energetic maybe having our daughter's life at risk tires her. 

"I don't think this will go well," She says with her eyes on the floor.

"Love," I use my hands to lift her face, "I promise you we will find a way. We will get the life you always dreamed about. The birthday parties, the training, the joking arguments and goofy days that we will remember forever."

Her glum face slowly turned into a smile and a chuckle was let out. 

We walked to the bed and she laid her head on my chest

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We walked to the bed and she laid her head on my chest. I heard as she quickly fell asleep and soon I fell asleep.


Leyla's POV

I woke up in shock. I walked out of Devin's hut and toward the campsite. I sat on the log and just stared at the logs used to make the bonfire that was not not lighted. 

After a few minutes, I heard a whisper and the bonfire lit up. I looked up to see my mother covered in a blanket and walking towards me.

"Hey Pancake. Whatcha' doing here?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Nightmare. Sing for me?" I asked.

She smiled and sat beside me. Music started playing in the background. I got used to the fact that my mother can make that happen so I just listened.

I calmed at my mother's voice and fell asleep on her lap.

Scarlett's POV

I was sleeping but got a nightmare and told Peter I would be in the camp. It was hard to get him to let me go but he did.

I walked and lit up the fire. I then saw my daughter just sitting there.

Well she said she had a nightmare and asked for me to sing. I agreed and sang a song I find relatable for me to sing to both Leyla and Peter.

I watch as she fell asleep on my lap. I teleported her to where she was supposed to sleep and went back to bed.

A/N: Hi this is really short but I have to go back to the Mattheo Riddle story so yeah

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