The Plataploos Complex:

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                 The speeling words I had to use will be in bold.......... so enjoy:0) -cabbage


                   One day, a meek platapus with anticommunist named Arthur(wanted his name to be oscar but my freind said no) sat  alone under a tree.His gigantic eyebrows furrowed on his face due to what was bewildered as to why people hatedbhim, then he realized it was his webbed feet. The beavers put a lot of exertion into harassing Arthur, and  that made him very sad. They exiled Arthur from their old-fashioned knitting circle. The platapus sat under the tree, wallowing in own awkward british platapus depression. At the same time, a duck was rehearsing what he was going to say. The ducks  name was Francis, and he hated to see his friend was sad. Francius circulated the pond in a laborious manner until he built up enough courage to speack up


                         Francis waddled over to Arthur and sat next to him."Hello, Francis.." Arthur said, still sad."Hello, Arthur.."bthe duck said , then sighed as he placed his weird feathery hand into Arthurs paw. The platapus blushed, not really keen as to what was happening, but that was when the duck confessed his love. Francis told of how he had kept his eye on Arthur for some time, and Arthur confessed as well! This helped Francis to coax Athur to euphonic terms. Evatually, Arthur illustrated his love for  Francis into a painting . As a "thank you", the duck  heffed the painting over his shoulder  and into his home. In that home, their love blossomed, and they lived their lives as webbed foot lovers.

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