~ Perfect Partners ~

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You blankly stared at the whiteboard in front of you, wondering how you had gotten from your bed into this classroom. You thought back to how Erina was about to switch your classes to a much "fancier" schedule, but you had declined. You blinked a few times, still exhausted from the previous night. In-front of you was the man, who you assumed was your teacher.

His blonde hair was slicked back, and he looked a little too serious. Perhaps he didn't get enough sleep... very similar to you. The teacher began the lesson by saying: "You may call me Chapelle-sensei. Today, you'll be tasked to socialize with other chefs, choose a partner of two or three. No more than three. And create a famous French recipe: the Beef bourguignon." He kept it very simple.

You hated tasks where they asked you to pick partners, because most of the time. No one wanted to be your partner, or they already had partners.

You sighed, feeling slightly out of place in this class as everyone socialized with each other, and stayed about 6-feet away from you. Unknownst to you, it was simply because your aura scared them away. You sighed once more, perhaps it would've been better to not be announced as a Nakiri.

Just as you were about to drown deeper in your thoughts, a hand breezed past your shoulder, as you tensed up. "Heya Nakiri! We meet again!" Yukihira Sohma proudly exclaimed, as everyone stared at him, a glint of jealousy in their eyes. You relaxed when you noticed it was just Soma. You grinned.

"I think fate has a knack for putting us together, Yukihira. Don't you think?" You asked, feeling slightly less alone. "Man, I should start counting. This is our second meeting!" He stated, the grin never leaving his face. You didn't know how, but he had successfully eased your first day nerves.

"Well do you have a partner?" You asked, hoping he'd say no. "Nah, everyone's glaring at me. I wonder why." He said, shrugging his shoulders, causing you to laugh. "Do you seriously not know? Hahaha! I think it has something to do with your speech." You told him, which he responded with a grin.

"Well, it seems like you're pretty much a loner too. Would ya like to be partners, Nakiri?" He asked, extending his hand out towards you. You smiled: "I'd be my pleasure working with you, Chef Yukihira!" You responded, slapping your palm against his, a mini high five.


After you and Soma had gathered the ingredients you needed, got a copy of the instructions, get aprons, and washed your hands, the two of you stood by your station. "Well do ya know what beef burjkhalifi is?" Soma asked, completely clueless on the said dish.

You let out a laugh at his silliness. "It's beef bourguignon! And yes! Lucky for you, I do have some training in the French cuisine. Trust me and we'll be fine!" You assured him, as the taller male brooded. "Well I'm trusting ya, alright."

It was silent for a minute as you and Soma read through the instructions, that was until Soma broke the silence. "Didcha know? Apparently Chappelle-sensei, has never smiled before." He told you, glancing at the said man. You smiled again, you couldn't seem to stop smiling when you're with this man.

"Well do you think he's emotionless?" You whispered to Soma, also glancing at the older man. "Nah, seriousness is an emotion too ya know?" Soma replied, as you let out another laugh. "How about we take this as a challenge, and see if we can make Mr. Serious laugh?" You asked, a challenging smirk on Soma's face. "Challenge accepted!"

The two of you shared a laugh, and quickly went back to work after realizing that you've been wasting too much time. "Let's begin!" Soma practically yelled and untied a white ribbon from his wrist, and soon tied it around his head, at the same time you began tying your hair up + out of your face.

You glanced at Soma who was going through the recipe once again, still completely confused. "If it helps, it's basically telling us to make French beef stew braised in red wine, and beef stock. And then flavor it with carrots, onions, garlic, and a bouquet garni, and finally garnish in with pearl onions, mushrooms, and bacon." You attempted to explain, Soma nodded his head, occasionally taking notes.

You were about to open your mouth, and tell him how the both of you could begin, but before you could even speak, he preheated the oven to 250 degrees. And took out a large pan, heating up olive oil, while also cooking bacon in another pan. You were slightly amazed on how quickly he acted, while barely knowing the instructions. Man, he was definitely something.

While Soma did whatever he was doing, you got to work too. You sliced the beef up into cubes, before patting them with a tissue. This helped dry the beef cubes. Soon, after you sprinkled salt and pepper, upon the cubes.

The teacher, and a few students were baffled as they watched you and Soma worked in complete silence, while also not bothering each other and steadily moving forward, it was almost as if you were communicating telepathically. You handed the beef, to Soma as soon as he grabbed he began searing the beef.

You smiled, you didn't need to say anything. He just got you. While Soma took care of the meat, you chopped up vegetables like, carrots and onions. And placed them in a pan, after sprinkling a tablespoon of salt, and 2 teaspoons of pepper, you cooked them until the onions turned brown.

Once the onions were brown, you added garlic and cognac. You glanced behind you as Soma placed the beef and bacon in a pot full of beef broth and red wine. He also added tomato paste and thyme, and a bunch of other things that you weren't used to seeing in this dish, however you trusted him.


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