Fake dating

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This one is all fluff i just think this is a super cute hc. ok so pretend Robin hates mike and mike hates robin. Btw the time is like set in 2022
Robin and Nancy.

Nancys Pov:
it was around 7 pm when i got super bored so i pulled out my cell phone and i dialed a random number. " hello" a raspy voice said over the phone. woah her voice is hot "is anyone there" she spoke again. "yeah sorry your voice just sounds very hot" "haha thanks you sound beautiful as well and your name is" "Uhhh Nancy- Nancy Wheeler" "Wow the Nancy Wheeler damn" "wait you know who i am" "of course i've had a crush on you for years but i never thought i would get a chance because me and your brother are enemy's and your straight of course" "yeah about that last bit i'm not straight i'm actually bi, anyways what's your name" "Robin Buckley" "well pleasure to meet you robin Buckley" it goes silent for a few seconds then i spoke again "is there anyway i could get your snap?" "yeah of course it's Robin_Buckley" "thanks!" "is there any chance you wanna meet me and the coffee shop but main street?" No way she's asking me the hang out!! i thought, i always thought Robin was an annoying band kid. Well at least that's what my brother described her as but she's not she's hot and knows how to treat a lady. "yeah of course i'll be there in 10"

I fixed my make up really fast i didn't live too far from the coffee shop so it would like only take me 5 minutes to get there. I headed down stairs and grabbed my keys, i was about to leave. "hey where are you going" Mike asked "on a date" i replied confidently. "oh really hm look who finally has a love life" he said i rolled my eyes and left. i got in my car and started heading towards the coffee shop when robin texted me. "hey beautiful i'm almost there😉" i got flustered because no one has every treated me that well. i arrived at the shop and parked next to this super nice black cadillac. 'i wish i had that type of money' i thought to myself. i went inside and i immediately heard my name. "Nancy!" i guessed that was robin and it was. She looked gorgeous she had a white shirt on that was tucked into her jeans with a black jacket, lots of rings and a necklace with the letter "R" on it. We found a table and the waiter came over to take our order. "what would you ladies want today" he asked very politely. "could i please have a caramel frappe with extra caramel drizzle please." i said. "i'll have a pumpkin spice latte" robin said, her raspy voice is so soft and it makes me melt.

" I have an idea" Robin said. "what is it?"
i asked. "how about we pretend we're dating to get revenge on your brother." "omg rob that's a great idea" it honestly was and he thinks this is a date anyways he has also been getting on my nerves lately. When we got our drinks we drank them pretty fast and then she followed me to my house. "ok grab by hand and i hope your good at acting" i said. "oh don't worry princess i am" i got all flustered and i think she could tell. we intertwined our fingers and headed in the door. "hey mom i'm back!" i yelled. "oh whose this pretty girl" my mom asked me. "this is Robin she's my girlfriend" i answered her question. "oh you got to be kidding me" mike said from the kitchen. "what?" my mom asked. "i've hated her forever" mike said. "Mike stop don't treat her like that" my mom yelled. "i'm sorry for his behavior" my mom said to robin. "oh it's fine i don't mind at all" robin said so calmly. "would you like to stay for dinner?" my mom asked. "i would love too."

Me and Robin headed upstairs to my room. We left it open a little so Mike could see inside. "That was so good baby" Robin told me. "Thanks i told you my acting was good" i replied back. "so you want go make it more real?" Robin asked me. "How??" i asked i was actually very confused. "like this." she but her hands on my waist and pulled me in and kissed me. Honestly it was one of the best kisses i have ever had it my entire life. her soft lips on mine made me blush even more than i already was. She was bright red and it made me smile that hi had that much an effect on her. I think she's embarrassed that she blushed, but i found it adorable. She pulled me in again and i felt her smile into the kiss. Mike passed by and yelled "ewwww yall need to stop" and i saw him roll his eyes. It as so funny me and robin started laughing so hard we almost peed ourself. 

My mom called us down for dinner. We headed down and mike passed us and side eyed robin. I almost just slapped him but i controlled my self. We sat down at the table and robin rested her hand on my thigh. We were trying to make it as real as possible. I think it worked caused Mike looked pissed. "so Robin do you go to school with Nancy?" my mom asked. " yes ma'am, were in the same history and reading class" she replied. I keep getting lost in her ocean blue eyes to even realize my mom was talking to me. "Nancy!" "uh- yes ma'am" "Robin can sleepover if she would like" "ok!" Me and robin headed up stairs and decided to go on Netflix to pick a movie to watch. She really wanted to watch a scary movie so we picked one. We picked the Conjuring. It got to a scary part and i was already holding on to robin so hard my finger nails were digging into her skin, causing her arms to bleed. There was a huge jump scare so i threw myself on top of Robin and placed my head in the crook of her neck. She rubbed my back which calmed me down. "its ok baby, I'm right here nothing can hurt you" she whispered as she placed a soft kiss on my head. I looked up at her and smashed my lips into hers. we made out for about 15 minutes. After that i got up to get my PJ's on. I took off my shirt and it caught robin off guard. I took off my bra and i caught robin staring at me i blushed a little. "whatcha staring at Buckley?" i said with a smirk. "oh just my beautiful girlfriends body" i laughed at her response. 

I put my PJ's on and snuggled back into bed with her. She wrapped her arms around me and put me on top of her. "i love you" she whispered. "i love you too" i replied. 

A/N: alrightttt sorry it took me so long i was busy. anyways how did yall like my fluff?? leave requests pleaseeeee!!! 1.3K words. 

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