Go For The Green

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~Bella's outfit~

Bella is sitting on a chair next to Flynn. To Flynn's right is Summer, then Scott. Dillon was doing something else. Ziggy is on a stage introducing them to possible Green and/or Pink/White rangers. So far, it wasn't working.

"And for our next Green or Pink/White ranger, allow me to present Captain Smoothy." Ziggy said. He introduced a guy wearing a striped jumpsuit, a cape, a mask, and a number 29 around his neck.

'Another fail, I predict.' Bella thought.

"Uh, now, he's mostly been working birthday parties and bar mitzvahs, but he could be ready to take it to another level." Ziggy said. He faces Captain Smoothy.

"Alright, you're on." Ziggy said. Captain Smoothy began showing off his skills, even if what he was showing were considered skills. Weak punches and kicks. And when he jumped, his costume got stuck on the ceiling fan. He was spinning round and round. Bella couldn't look. She turned her face to Scott, Summer, and Flynn. Their heads were following the motion of the ceiling fan.

"It's horrifying and at the same time, I can't look away." Summer said. Then Bella heard a rip. She looked at Captain Smoothy and regretted it the moment she turned her head. The ceiling fan was still spinning, with Captain Smoothy's costume stuck on it. All Captain Smoothy had on was his green shorts and his number.

"I wonder why that was a fail." Bella said sarcastically.

"Uh, not to worry. Uh, not to worry. He was just another warm-up. An 'appetizer,' if you will. Uh, the- the best candidates are yet to come, so..." Ziggy said as he tried to get the costume off the ceiling, but no luck. As Ziggy was talking, Flynn pushed the buzzer to indicate this candidate was a fail.

"Sorry, Can we cut the power to this? Uh..." Ziggy kept trying and ended up in failure.

"Just get another candidate. I'll deal with it." Bella said. Ziggy looked at Bella, and opened his mouth to speak, but Bella didn't let him.

"Out." Bella said. Ziggy left. Bella got up from her seat. She went behind the stage and flipped the switch to turn off the fan. After the fan stopped completely, Bella went to the fan and took off the costume. She bundled it up and threw it into the nearest trashcan. She walked back to her seat next to Flynn.

"You didn't have to do that." Summer said.

"I wanted to. At least it gives me something to do here." Bella said.

~The Garage~

"Each color of the Ranger series is designed to configure the movement of electrons within the energy bio-field, in a configuration that bends time and space in order to achieve a specific function," Dr. K. stated.

"Should I pretend I understood any of that?" Dillon asked in his usual smartallic tone.

"Series Blue suit is designed for time-field manipulation," Dr. K. started, explaining what each and every ranger suit can do. "It can halt the movement of electrons through the entire biofield, suspending time for ten seconds. Series Yellow is able to read energy signatures and focus the flow into concentrated surges. Red suit is designed to channel the bio-energy field for a three second burst attack."

"Which brings us to me." Dillon said in his usual sarcastic tone.

"As the operators of the Series Black technology, your suit is enabled with an invincibility shield. It will make you completely impervious to any attack for a period of five seconds." Dr. K said.

"Completely?" Dillon asked in pure shock.

"Theoretically, when your shield is fully powered, you could withstand the direct blast from a 40-megapulse explosion," Dr. K. replied.

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