Music night

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Edd's POV:

I pat Ringo the 10th time before opening my phone to check the time. Hope it's not too late or I'll have to go to bed soon.

Looking around my new place, nostalgia soon crawl back to me to remind me about our old place. I sigh, pushing it aside with all the horrible things that happened that day. The day Tord came back to us.


Huh, it's not that late yet-

"EDD!" Matt sudden burst through my door, making me and Ringo jump.

"Matt! What the heck!?" I held Ringo close, trying to calm her down.

Matt cover his mouth and mumble an apology. I sigh and put Ringo down on the couch, still trembling and scared. I walk up to Matt, about to ask what it was that he needed me for until I heard it.

"My gosh, who's playing music so loud?" I cover my ears, trying my hardest to block out the noise.

"That's what I wanted to tell you! There's someone blasting music!" Matt throw his hands into the arm, talking as loud as possible so I could hear him.

I look outside, scanning the hallway to see where the noise are coming from. Surprisingly, I can't seem to identify which room it's coming from, the noise is so deafening it seems like it's coming from everywhere.

Matt, at this point, is covering his ears, the hood over his head with a painful sleepless face. Poor Matt and his beauty sleep.

"I can't be beautiful if I don't get my beauty sleep!" Matt wail, almost look crying but no entirely sobbing.

He does sound super sad but it doesn't look like he's gonna cry out of pain. I grab some headphones out of the drawers, give one to Matt and put one on myself. Ringo's hiding under the pillows, trying to block out the noise of blasting rock music. My poor sugar baby.

I storm out my flat with Matt following close behind, a bit annoyed and tired from the loud music. I pretend like I wasn't angry and knock gently on Tom's door, getting a muffled 'coming!' from the other side.

"What is it?" Tomorrow mean on the door frame, one hand in his hoody pocket as the other support his leaning body.

"Tom, someone is playing extremely loud music! Matt just told me and now I just noticed, how did you not?" I calmly explain to him, making sure that my voice is loud enough for him to hear.

After I shut my mouth, Tom scratched his head and hum out some kind of confused noise, I guess. Matt was still behind me, I know his is because he's holding on to my arm.

I waited, half impatiently for Tom's answer on the loud music. If he doesn't answer right now, I'll call security.

"I just heard it right now, I had headphones on, testing out Susan." Tom smile sarcastically as he chuckled.

"I swear, Tom! Me and Matt needs sleep!" I shouted out, concerned for Tom's, Matt's and my health and sleep schedule.

Matt whimpers quietly as the loud music continues behind us, blasting at the same volume as it was before. Some people had gotten out of gehir apartment, quiet and loud complains fill up the halls of our floor.

"Geez, maybe we SHOULD call security, or maybe someone will do that for us. Come on, get in." Tom requested, shrugging as he pulls Matt inside with me following.

A/n: Pretty short, I'm working on two other Wattpads right now, sorry =v=''

Word count: 600 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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