Chapter 5

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Lefiya's POV

                                                  I'm currently in the Library searching for a good book to read along with Tione and I asked "so is there any good books here besides the magic ones I've already read?" Tione thought and said "well I do know of one and it's literally the only one out there" I arched my brow and I asked "why is that?" She shrugged and said "all I know is that Riveria had it made a while ago" she then lead me to the corner of the library and took out a big book with a gray color on it and she handed me to it and the title read "the Arthurian legend" I then asked "have you read this?" She shook her head no and said "never got a chance but Riveria mentioned a page from it before about a sword in stone" I was curious and after I thank her I left to my room and began to read it. I looked at the index and it looked like a fairy tail book but it's off like its truth, I flipped threw the pages and I landed on The leagued of King Arthur and it was amazing a holy sword gifted to the one true king I found it interesting but then two words that caught my eye. Round table, like the one Sir Mordred mentioned but that had to be a coincidence so I looked deeper into the book and I saw the names of the knights in Sir (Y/N)'s painting all of them. It's weird so I stopped reading it for now and I placed it on my night stand and I thought "is this book related to Sir (Y/N)'s past?"

Dream: 3rd Person POV

                                                On a Field littered with blood and corpses we see two knights fighting each one clashing there swords as they where one of the last ones left. The sounds of metal clashing was echoed threw out the battle Field, a surviving knight died by the hands of Sir Mordred as he shouted "Where's King Arthur!?, show yourself to me you coward!" another surviving knight tried to attack him from behind but failed and ended up dead. He stabbed his sword into the ground to rest for a moment and he looked at the bloody field before him but quickly turned around to see the king of Knights, King Arthur. Mordred then said "How's this?, did you see King Arthur!, your kingdom will end here this is revenge for not relinquishing the throne to me!" King Arthur readied there sword and Mordred accepted the challenge and said "Do you hate me?!, do you detest me that mush?!, is it because I'm a child of a witch?!" King Arthur stayed silent. Mordred then yelled "Answer me Arthur!!!" He charged at him and hit excalibur so hard it flew from King Arthur's hands and he said "I have never Once thought of you as detestable" he took out his holy lance and continued "the reason I didn't relinquish the throne" Mordred to a defensive stance but that failed once Arthur pierced his lance threw Mordred's stomach. And he continued "is because you do not have the capacity to be king" Arthur thrust deeper until it fully pierced threw his stomach and in the process Mordred's helmet shattered and his final words where "f-fa-Father" then the seance went black and the voice of Mordred said "at least your safe...................................(Y/N)".

Dream end:           (Y/N)'s POV

                                                   I bolted up right in bed in a could sweat and I couldn't help but wonder what I just saw, I heard a grown from right next to me and I saw Aiz in her in her nightie. I remember last night that Aiz confessed her love to me and we kiss and we just cuddled the rest of the night. Ok your probably wonder why I, a person with a reputation in the red light District every time I go drinking with Hermes, didn't do it with her, Aiz is special she's like me and she gives me a warmth that I never felt since before that day. So I want to take things slow with her, she woke up and she saw me and she gave me a sweet smile and said "good morning " she sat up and kissed me she then noticed how sweaty I am and she asked "are you ok?, was it another dream?" I replied " I'm not shure, it more looked like a memory I didn't have, I'm not shure what it was but" I then curled up into the fetal position and I said " I've never felt more scared" she then gave me a hug and we stayed like that for a few minutes after that Aiz asked "want to have breakfast together?" I replied "I'm going to the bath first to wash this sweat off then I'll join you" she gave me a peck on the cheek and we both got dressed and headed our separate ways. Once I got to the baths I've undressed and headed to the shower stalls to rinse myself off before heading to the bath and it looks like I'm alone but that was short lived when someone came in, I looked to see Line Arshe.
We locked eyes with each other and she walked into the shower stall next to me and I said "hello Line" she replied " good morning Sir (Y/N)" . We actually got along pretty well since she joined and at the time I helped train the new recruits fight in the dungeon to train them and give them tips Line was one of them and we became good friends. I then went into the bath and I just relaxed in it. Line then joined me and she asked " so Sir (Y/N), did you sleep well?" I replied " slightly better then usual but five times more worse" we stayed in silence for a few minutes until she said "so I heard the person that taught you has joined the familia?" I nodded and said "yes, I'm happy I've reunited with master after all I thought he died" Line looked confused and asked "I thought she's a girl?" I replied " biologically yes, but he prefers male pronouns, it's just how he was brought up" she nodded and said "I was able to watch her and those other two we found in the dungeon fight" I looked at her and asked "you brought them to the dungeon?" She nodded and said "yes, and they are amazing though I'm used to Mordred's fighting style because you have the Same one" I smiled and I corrected her "actually mine is a mix of several sword, spear, and bow fighting styles but I'm more better with a sword". She giggled and said " yeah I remember you trying to used Captain Finn's spear and ended up breaking a wall" I sulked remembering it took half of my earnings to fix it. She giggled and then she asked "so you never talked about where you came from, can I asked about your home?" I tensed up and I sighed and I nodded yes and she asked "what's it called?" I replied "it was called Camelot" she arched her brow and asked "was?" I answered in a hollow tone of voice "it fell along time ago leaving me the only surviving knight of the round or so I thought " Line looked down and she said "sorry if I brought up bad memories " I raised my hand and said "it's fine you where just curious as all". She then asked me "what happened to it?" I replied honestly "all I know is that there was a war" that's literally all I know.
                                          After that we pretty much just did small talk and that's when I noticed her chest, it's bigger then mine, I patted mine and then as hers which are slightly big. Line noticed me staring at her and she asked "what's wrong?" I then pulled a Loki and I grouped her. After that I dried off and got dressed in my usual clothes and went to get breakfast, once I got there I got a try with a lot of food and I spot Aiz and I sat next to her. Once I sat down I saw Tiona and Tione sitting across from us and Lefiya on the other side of Aiz, I said "good morning everyone " Lefiya then said "good morning Sir (Y/-, what happened to you?" She noticed the red hand print on my face and Tione said "did you group someone again?" I nodded yes and I said "Line, and her chest got bigger" Aiz then pinched my cheek and Tione said "you really got to stop pulling a Loki all the time, everyone knows your some kind of pervert" Tiona then said "yes, and if you want a chest to group then you have mine!" I heard laughing and I turned to to see Master and she said "I see you never grew out of that habit " Lefiya then asked "so she was like this before?" She nodded and said "(Y/N) always has a thing with Women, sometimes I had to separate many fights or her" I tilted my head and I asked "they where fighting?" She patted my back with a sigh.
                                            Ais then asked master"so Mordred what are your plans today?" She replied "I'm going to the dungeon with Nightingale" I then asked " serenity is not coming with you?" She replied "since that day we thought of at least one of us sticks with you till we can summon more". Tione then asked "I was actually wondering how that is possible?" I replied "honestly I don't know according to my teacher it's a spell that was invented in the future and since he can see the future he knows it but it's hard to reach him" Mordred then said "oh god, he's alive isn't he" I nodded and master groaned. Tiona then asked "so who's this teacher guy?" I answered "his name his Marlin and he was the court mage" Lefiya then said "wait, you where taught magic by a court mage, your truly amazing!" She had stars in her eyes and I said "actually on turns of magecraft I'm only a third rate mage at beast but I am good at illusion magecraft " Tione then said "ok back to the summoning thing, you must know something right?" I thought about it and I did remember something "actually my master said you need a catalyst to summon a servant I've assumed it has to be something related to them. But that's all I know" I finished my meal and I said "now if you excuse me I have a date to get too" Ais then asked "this early in the morning?" I replied "it's an art expedition and I could only get that time" she nodded and I left to change. I changed into my formal clothes because I planned to make this date fancy because I think it's Amid 's style, she said I would meet her at the hostess of vitality so I arrived a little early so I can relax. I entered and I was greeted with the lovely Ryuu and the Cute Anya I then said " good morning kitten, hot pants " Anya then noticed me and she ran to me and gave me a hug and she said " yay!, (Y/N)s back Meow!" (A/N: I'm not shure how to wright her normal speech so it's just Meow) Ryuu glared at me because she hates that kickname. I looked around and I asked "Where's Chloe?"
Anya replied "she has the day off today Meow, so what can we get you?" I replied "I have a date today and I just had breakfast so just a coffee " she nodded with a smile and she started rubbing her cheek on mine and she said "shure thing Meow" she then ran to the kitchen. I sat down at a table then Ryuu gave me a book and she said "it's bing in the lost and found for weeks and no one came for it so you can have it" I nodded and took it but not before copping a feel of Ryuu but she slapped my hand and said "not today, you have a date" she then left to do her work and your probably wondering that interaction well me, Chloe, Ryuu, and Anya are I think in a relationship, honestly it's hard to tell but it mostly feels like a friends with benefits thing. I looked at the book and the title was the little Mermaid so I started reading it and it's a great read a mermaid fell in love with a human and wished for legs but lost her voice in the process, honestly I don't usually get romantic books but this one I kinda get. After I finished my coffee I felt someone tap my shoulder and I looked to see Amid in a gorgeous teal blue dress and she put her hair in a single braid, to put it in a simple way she looked stunning. I grabbed her hand gently and kissed it and I said "you looked stunning my lady" she kept a straight face and said "and you look sharp" I nodded and I put the valis on the table and I put the book in my bag and I said "see you around Kitten and hot pants" Anya waved goodbye and Ryuu just glared at me. Once we got to the art exposition Amid said "I never thought you would take me to an art expedition" I replied "I love art and I want to share that love"she gave me a small smile and she stopped at the entrance of one of the rooms and I noticed it's where my work is kept. We entered and she was vary interested in my work, we stopped at the painting of Loki I made and she said "this person's paintings are so life like" I replied "it was really hard for her to agree for me to paint a picture but she only agreed if she was naked but we conpermised with a sheet cover the delicate parts" she then looked at me with disbelief and she said "wait, you painted this?" I nodded and I said "I did say I love art" she replied "yes but I just thought you were a admirer" I then said "I am and I'm a painter it's how I make my money when I'm not in the dungeon ". I can tell she impressed by my skill and before we went to the next painting we ran into Chloe in a black dress, not a fancy one but a good simple one, I then said "Chloe, I didn't expect you to be here" she giggled and said "neither have I darling " Alim looked between the two of us and asked "what's your relationship with her?" I replied "I wish I knew I'm in some kind of four way relationship with her, Anya, and Ryuu from the hostess of fertility but it feels more like a friends with benefits thing".
Alim looked kinda confused and Chloe said "she's not wrong but we do have a love for each other if that's your wondering ". That seemed to give her the answers to that question but that went over my head, after our short talk we parted ways for now and me and Alim continued with our date. I was having a good time and I think I can tell she having one as well, she kept a straight face but it's the subtle moves she makes that make me think she is having a good time. I went to get us something to drink and once I found her she was looking at a serious of paintings I made of them, she looked at the first one who was non other then the king himself,

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