Negotiations Will Be Short

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It didn't take long for the Trade Federation to fortify their blockade around the planet Naboo. Already they have stunted supply runs to the planet and were putting pressure on the queen to appeal to their terms and sign their treaty, granting them sole rights to the control of the planet and it's resources. Already, the situation seemed dire that word of Ambassadors from Coruscant were on their way to discuss peaceful negotiations.

Viceroy Nute Gunray watched the planet and couldn't help but feel satisfied by the situation. Once the situation was all over and he gained control over the planet, the people of Naboo will have no one to blame but their own Chancellor Palpatine. He forced Gunray's hand when he made a play that cost the Trade Federation an alliance with the Delcontrian faction, so now they will make a play that will cost that fool his entire world.

Despite this feeling of empowerment, he still felt small twinge of nervousness when he thought about how this would have never been possible if not for the Federation's newest, and most powerful, client.

His right hand, Rune Haako walked up and joined him in staring down at the planet. "Do you believe Queen Amidala will adhere to our demands?" Rune asked curiously.

"If she values the welfare of her people, then she will accept that it is pointless to resist." Gunray said with confidence.

"That is, if we follow his plan, correct?" Rune asked with his amphibian-like eyes narrowing slightly.

Gunray wasn't surprised by the doubt he heard in his colleague's voice, as he has openly stated his mistrust in their newest partner, but it was too late to back out of the deal. "Without him, we couldn't have made this play. Supreme control of the planet is within our grasp, and I am not backing down now."

Another Neimoidian walked up to Nute Gunray and addressed him with a troubled expression. "Sir, our scanners have picked up that a ship will be exiting hyperspace soon."

Haako was confused at this piece of information. "If it's the Ambassadors that the Chancellor said would be arriving, they are earlier than expected." He said in a troubled tone.

"Let's just wait and see, but be on guard." Nute Gunray ordered, which they all followed. If the plan was to go off without a hitch, than there can be no surprises.


Meanwhile, Shayera and Katar relaced in their co-pilot seats on board their ship as they just aimless watched through the bridge window of hyperspace passing them by. Katar was busy giving his mace a nice polish, while Shayera just smiled as they looked through the window.

"You know, while our ship is getting refueled on Naboo, we should maybe go see the sights." Shayera offered as she looked at her husband. "I hear the skies are just beautiful and I would love to soar through them."

"Now that would be an interesting day, Shayera, you know that we can't." Katar denied as he looked behind to glance in the direction of where their prisoner was located. "The longer we delay to deliver our esteemed guest to Thanagar, the more of a chance it gives him to escape. I'd rather not run the risk of letting him loose on Naboo."

Shayera sighed at that, as she understood what he meant, but it was still a little frustrating. "We haven't been off world for fun since our honeymoon." Shayera gave her husband a sly look as they recalled that time. "You remember, don't you? That trip we took to Mimban, the tropical rain that poured over our wings as we soared, the beautiful landscapes..."

"The constant fight for survival against the Circarpousian Water Snakes?" Katar finished with a smirk. "My dear, your idea of a romantic get away is always filled with risks and dangers that lead to violence in some shape or form."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2023 ⏰

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