Chapter 4.

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I could already see Castle running down the street, followed by a man as I arrived at the coffee shop.
I jumped out of the car, took my gun and ran to the CIA Agent "NYPD! DROP YOUR GUN AND RAISE YOUR HANDS!", I shouted and to my astonishment he really stopped running and dropped his gun.
Castle ran towards me, barely breathing and his head was read like a tomato. His hair was standing in all directions and his face showed me that he really must have been relieved to see that the guy stopped following him. "THAT WAS SO COOL!" he was shouting like a little boy. "Oh Castle.." I giggled. "Katherine Beckett, excuse me if my question is inappropriate, but: Are you drunk?" - "Castle, I just saved your ass. Don't you think it would be appropriate to thank me?" I said teasingly. "How could I only forget that.. Well thank you for saving my life! But I still saved your life once more than you saved mine! Anyway, seems like I own you something, huh?"
"What about we drink a cup of coffee here at our starbucks now?", he asked a little nervous. I looked at him shocked. "Is he asking me out even though he knows that I'm engaged to Josh?" I thought. He must have seen my face and so he quickly said:"No no no it's just a 'thank you' and we could talk a little bit since you leave us in 4 days." He looked at me with his puppy eyes I never could resist. "Okay you won but let's take a table outside and enjoy the beautiful view and the breeze.", I said smiling. He went inside to get us coffee. "Here is your coffee. Grande skim latte, two pumps sugar free vanilla". Our hands touched each others as he handed me my coffee. We looked into each others eyes. None of us was saying a word. I moved my hand away before it was getting too awkward. We talked the whole night. About work, friends, about the case, about us and Alexis. It was really funny with him. I think I haven't had so much fun in a long time. Plus, I could really TALK to him. With Josh it was different... I mean, I could talk to him but he often was very busy because of his job as a doctor and stuff. I love long summer nights like this one, I just felt like I was free and for these couple of hours I forgot all my worries. And the fact that he exactly knew what kind of coffee I like was just adorable. He is adorable. And that didn't make it easier for me to just focus on my future with Josh in DC. As I looked on my phone I had 3 missed calls from Lanie and 2 missed calls from Josh and omg it was already 4 o' clock in the morning. I told Rick that I really need to go home but he adamanted to walk me home. After a 30 minutes walk we arrived at my appartment. A really awkward silence took over and we both just stared at the ground like two teenager who were on a date for the first time. "It was really funny today. Thank you", I said shy. "I should be the one who says thank you. You saved my ass and apart from that I really enjoyed hanging out with you too. I am gonna miss that when you are in DC then, you know?", Castle replied. "Ouh Castle I am not used to that. You are actually acting like an adult", I teased him. "It is 5am we really should go to bed now." "You are right. Goodnight Kate." He came closer and closer.I already could hear him breathing. I didnt know what to do. It was like I had been paralyzed. I was drawn into his ocean blue eyes. "Goodnight", I stumbled. He gently kissed my cheeck and walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2015 ⏰

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