chapter 49

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17. Lisha, wake up. (Part 1) [Elizabeth's Perspective]

 Risha-sama is standing blankly in front of the room I guided her to.
 She was humbled even by the servants and maids who carried the load. She thought so, but there was no other room available.
 I smiled at Lisha-sama, who was looking at me with a face stained with fear, but showed her the room with a firm attitude.
“Lisha-sama, uh… it might be difficult, but please relax.”
"Eh, Eh, Eri, Elizabeth-sama, I, this kind of room..."
“This is our guest room. Not as a baron’s daughter, but as the next Crown Princess.”
“Oh, Crown Princess……!!!”
 For a moment, her pale cheeks turned red. Just by remembering the person you have a crush on, the memory of the time you spent with that person comes back to your mind, and the feeling of being in love with that person rises. It's the same as when I think of His Highness Vincent.
 That's why I wanted to cooperate.
 Of course, I do think that diplomatic relations will become even more friendly if Risha-sama, who has experience studying abroad in our country, becomes the crown princess. But more than that, I still have a strong desire to support my future lovers.
"Goodbye. In the royal palace, I think it was a room that corresponded to the position of a baron's daughter, but in this mansion, as the crown princess, everyone treats me as someone in the same position."
"That's... I'm so afraid, I can't stand it at all..."
 Lisha-sama who is about to collapse. She took her arm and supported her, and she gently stroked her back. She shuddered when she heard about her engagement to Prince Vincent when she was young. I know her Duchess demeanor by watching her mother. She was, but she wasn't confident in her behavior as the Crown Princess.
 That's how it is for me, so if it's Lisha-sama, it's even more so.
 But that's why. That's why.
 To help you understand the weight of your responsibility. And in order to get used to it and not lose her original personality.
 With the permission of His Highness Vincent, Leohart-sama, father and mother, I took Lisha-sama to the mansion. And then I let Risha-sama go to the room reserved for the highest-ranking people.
 I'm sure Risha-sama will find peace of mind in her studies if she just desperately wants to keep up with them. But that alone is not enough to make her a princess.
"Please endure. This is for His Highness Marius. When you meet His Highness Marius at the royal palace of Orion, you can't tremble like that."
"For Marius-sama's sake..."
 An uneasy wandering gaze is directed to cling to me. She looked into her deep, jet-black eyes and gave an encouraging smile.
 I heard that Risha-sama's shoulders also depend on His Highness Marius' advances and retreats. It must have been a terrible pressure even until now when I was pulled by Leohart-sama.
 And this situation asks Lisha-sama more than ever.
 Are you really ready to become a queen?
"It's okay, the teachers who raised me are still left in our Duke of La Montrivre. And the pastry chef who makes delicious sweets."
"Yeah. Sweets are the best when I'm tired. I was looking forward to that and worked hard at the lesson."
“Mr. Marius… Sweets… Mr. Marius… Mr. Elizabeth”
 Risha-sama raised her face and stood up. She wanders as if remembering something. Her eyes are startled, but her eyes are pensive.
 It's dangerous... Actually, Lars-sama is hiding in the shadow of the pillar.
 I'm asking you not to show up too much because it will frighten Lisha-sama. She shook her head with her chest tightened by Mr. Lars who gave a lonely voice, "Kyuun...". But sometimes I feel stares at me, so I think she's just staring at me.
 As I was watching over her in suspense, Risha-sama nodded her heart with a "Yoshi".
 When he looked at me again, there was no hesitation in his eyes. She smiles with a refreshing expression.
“Thank you. I was originally born as the third daughter of a baron. I want to help you, Marius-sama, even if just a little.
"That's what I mean, Lisha-sama."
 I was also happy and held Lisha-sama's hand tightly.
 We have only attended study sessions together a few times, but we all know his hard work and sincerity. I can understand that His Highness Marius will be deprived of your heart, and if I think about it as my rival...
"So, then--"
 I look at Risha-sama while shaking off the face that came to my mind.
"Let's go into the room."
"Oh, I'm sorry!!!"
 Speaking of which, Lisha-sama screamed when she realized that they were talking in front of the reception room while keeping the chamberlains waiting.
 I nodded to myself as I called out to the rear figure who rushed in, saying, "Ladies shouldn't run."
 a・of・direction・Like this, he was an honest person at heart.
 I heard that he was cut off from the Merryfield family and was taken in by the Marshall Marshall family as an apprentice by Raphael-sama's mercy.
 I hope I can atone for my sins and regain my healthy life.
 ――At that time, in a room of Marshall House.
"Oh, Ulysse, do you have a cold?"
 After a big sneeze, Ulysse leaned forward and opened her eyes.
"Rafael-sama!! This is the servant's room!!"
"Yeah, that's why there's no problem with my husband coming in."
 Raphael, who had been behind me before I knew it, answered softly, but that's not the case. Problems abound.
 The servant's room is small and has few furnishings, so it can't be used for hospitality. Therefore, it is not a place where a son who is promised to be the next Marquess can enter. And even if the master kindly ignores it, there is a very normal ethical view that men shouldn't enter women's rooms.
“You used to invite me to your room, didn’t you?”
 Ulysse let out a scream. Sometimes I get scared because I think they are reading my mind. Magic? Can magic even do that?
 That's the reason why I called Rafael to the room. I just acted according to the scenario.
 You know that.
 Rafael didn't do anything.
 No, when I think about it, Raphael never did anything to me. Driving Ulysse into the depths of terror with just a sloppy atmosphere and verbal abuse, that's a sadistic thought.
 Rafael narrowed his eyes and smiled as he waited, waiting for something to happen.
"Fufu, Ulysse-chan is the cutest."
"Suddenly I'm sorry. Good night. I won't be in the mansion on holidays for a while, so you should take it easy."
 Rafael left the room with a look that seemed to have convinced him by himself. Without bowing, he glances at her back and sees her off, and Ulysse frowns at her.
 I am a sinner who tried to trap the Duke's daughter. Raphael tries to take such a woman as his wife.
 Are you serious?
 Or maybe even this invitation is a punishment that makes you hopeful and discouraged――?
 Rafael didn't know that his trust level had dropped to zero because he had bullied him too much.

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